Due to change of plan, i have no other choice but to let go some of my fishes to good hand. All are feeding on pellets and mysis(occasionally)Prices are fix as i bought and sell at the same price. You save time and effort on stabilizing as well as quarantine them. FCFS. They are still in the tank. Can be capture within minutes. I will upload the video in a while.
1. Lipstick Tang(Naso Lituratus)- 7 inches $50
2. Blonde Naso (Naso elegans)- 6 inches $50
3. Bluelined Trigger(Pseudobalistes fuscus)-3 inches $40
4. Yellow Fin Grouper(Epinephelus flavocaeruleus) 5-6 inches $50
5. Eye Line Tang(Acanthurus nigricaudus)4-5 inches $40
* Other fishes are also available except Queen, Koran,Clown trigger and Black saddle grouper.