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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. i am the seller, this morning during 1st appt with the buyer, he nearly backout, and manage to sign the paper. I am afraid that from now till completion, he write it to with draw. I want to know what will happen to me and what can i do, and what is the consequences he will bare. thanks
  2. Hi can anyone advice me on cancelling or backout the intention of purchasing a resales flat after 1st appointment . What consequences and legal action to bear? Thank you very much.
  3. bro, all angelfish are the same, less those difficult to care species. Water quality, diet, and tank mate. However scribble is a easy care level fish, rated 4 of 5. The only problem tt make angel difficult to keep are the ick. SO is you tank a live rock or a dead rock type? Are you able to medicate it if they are infested with whitespot ? You need to plan are the unforeseen that can happen to them.
  4. $500 last price nett Azoo MH 2x150w 14k and 1 bluelight, foc 2x150w 10k bulb.
  5. Wow, nice collection of Zoathids bro
  6. Might be selling my Azoo 150w 4ft c/w 14000k DE and additional of 10000k lamp (used for 4mth) MH only 6mth old. selling at $700 neg. PM me if interested. will take a closer shot later. Reason to sell is my center blacing is 12 inches.
  7. cost is basket from hardware store, and sera or eheim suckion cup. place it in your tank for a week or 2 depening on situation
  8. hi tijou, when you add on new angel , you can try this pic below, it will reduce stress and can be train to accept food and also allow the other tankmate to get use to it. Just imagine, new fish contain in the bag and from LFS to your home, is already stressful, when you introduce to the tank and other fishes attack it, the new fish is too stressful to defend herself and here disease will appear, sometimes the older one didn't even give them a chace to survive another day
  9. personifer looks like male, the blue on the face
  10. bro, haha in fact just bought this afternoon from henry. Can tell is this the Vlamingi tang or the species, i heard lot of people mistaken by both cause they look a like
  11. Can any bro who is expert in keep tangs, pls tell me how a juvenile Naso brevirostris & Naso vlamingi look like, the difference. Thanks
  12. just came back from there, still have abt 8-10 pieces.sizr ard 4-5inches
  13. The shop owner who told you can keep angel in the coral tank firstly what type of angelfish you saw in her tank? Centropyge( drawf angel) or the pomacanthus, holacanthus family? If you saw angel like acanthop, brazilian flameback or the flame angel, it should be ok if she house her tank with soft finger etc. As for dead rock tank for angelfish, this is the best solution so far, but i have seen some people keep their angelfish house with live rock and kept so years. Keeping angelfish in dead rock tank with copper, your angel colouration is not as natural as keeping them with live rock. If you keep angelfish in a dead rock enviroment my advice is don't use copper powder mix with water type. Use seachem cupramine, and maintain at 0.5mg. Keep it for 10 to 14 days, and after the treatment, try your very best to reduce as much copper level as possible. Next optain a optimum water quality like balancing between PH level and KH level. PH from 8.2 - 8.3 at 8-10 dkh. Use tropic marin iodine and dose 1 drop per 50gallon daily and also add trace element daily, like example, 10ml/100gallon weekly, you divide by 7. This will give you 1.4ml (est) per day. Everytime you add new fish, stop all skimmer, ozone and UV, and dose copper to 0.3 for a few days. Reason, when newly arrive fish are already stressful, when introduce into the tank those old bird angelfish will surely attack and force it to a higer stress level, those disease like white spot, etc, will be invited to their body starting from the tail and the fish, and will spread to the rest. 0.3mg is playing safe, however if lymphocystis( viral disease) appear on the edge of their fin or tail, it alright, leave it alone, those are cause by stress, it will disappear in a few weeks if you maintain good water quality. Pardon me if i am wrong, looks like centropyge sp will not survuve in a dead rock enviroment, as they need live rock enviroment to thrive. Cheers bro. Wish u successful in keeping angelfish
  14. new word in forum, fish only with articifial rock (fowar)
  15. hi tijou, my rock are those dead algae rock. you are right angel and butt are very prone to disease, iw ill dise copper for the new fish and remove the copper by all means till is as close to zero.
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