Hi Bali Brain, thx for seeing me so up . As my angel show no aggression towards one another perhaps of the space of my tank and my rock scrapping. What i alway do,
1, New fish, will be aclimatise for 2 days follow by 8 days of quarantine in a tub
with hypo treatment.
2, Train the angel to accept food from lettuce to pellets and the best hand feed.
As this method allow the fish to be confident of itself and no stress.
3, Fresh water dip for 5 min 3-4 times aday.
4, Place the fish in a plactic tank with holes to allow other to associate and this is
able to reduce aggression. Just put it this way, if you intro a new fish just
bought from a lfs, the species is already stress in the bag during the journey
home, then you release into the tank. The fish did not even have a chance
to be stable and immediately attack by others, this causes the fish lotsa stress
and injure, this is parasite are given chances to attack them.
5, Release it if you are confident about other fishes behaviour towards it. It may
take a week to 2 week.
6, Lastly, importantly, try as best to provide angel with food contain sprilina, as
mine, i alway mixed pellets (ocean nutrition formular 2) or frozen food with
Tropic marin Litovit( vitamin), Immuvit( sprilina powder) and garlic, and
alternate days with luttuce and nori seaweed.
Pic of fishes in the plastic tank