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Everything posted by IcecruncherZ

  1. You're not alone on this... my Red Sea Cleaner also had a sudden death... I got it to eat flake, but it just perished suddenly about 2.5 weeks later. Very depressing... cos it's not easy to get the RS Cleaner to feed... *sigh*
  2. I'm using MM too, but I leave my refugium lighting on 24/7... But somehow, althought my caulerpa is doing well, I dont seem to have any microfauna in my refugium. Anyone knows how I can increase their numbers?
  3. The Sailfins (both Veliferum and Desjardinii) are the tops as far as hardiness is concerned... and they are also the most docile (or rather least pugnacious) of the Zebrasomas... NEVER make a yellow or purple tang the first inhabitant of your tank... adding ANY other fish later will pose a problem. It doesnt even need to be a tang, or be of the same colour, or size... the idiotic tangs will still whack the shit out of newcomers...
  4. Hey, thats good news! Once a fish takes flake it usually lives... Beware of flame angels... it insiduously tormented my orchid dottyback (a dottyback!) to death... Grr...
  5. Yeah, tried the Balti, its great! Basically any hot cooked food is a luxury here... been having cold sandwiches (and they're like 9 bucks wtf) for lunch and animal fodder (catered hall food) for dinner. *bleah* I'm doing a Music degree, and its damn bloody shiong... and yeah, I brought lots of T-shirts duh~ so damn bloody stupid of me... Do you want me to bring some Green Curry crisps back for you?
  6. I hate the weather here at Birmingham. Its just so damn bloody cold... The Tescos Green Curry Thai Chips are cool! I miss my tank...
  7. Wow thats damn cheap! I got mine for 30 each from ML last year, and they were less than 1 inch... The largest one I ever saw was about 1.5 inches at SL. Unfortunately its mouth was gone case liao... but that was seriously gorgeous I tell ya...
  8. Just a warning... try rescaping as a last resort, cos everytime I rescape (for aesthetic reasons) i end up with detritus all over the water, and that always makes my tangs slightly sick... thank goodness they recover... I've given up mixing 2 zebrasomas long ago liao...
  9. ARGH!!! SUNBURST!!! Been looking for it for so long... thats a very nice specimen DeepBlue... how large is it? I dont think you need to worry about the diet of this guy... cos my pair took flake last year, died when tank crash...
  10. Wah... 2 gorgeous tangs... so jealous...
  11. Yupz, ML had those a year ago. Juveniles. But almost always in pretty bad shape... guess they ship poorly. Maybe you can ask Henry to bring them in...
  12. I'm using a 15inch Powerbook, bought at only 2800 cos had staff discount, which was 25% off. Try asking around for friends that work there... can save so much $...
  13. Whats Atlantic Blue? Atlantic Blue Tang, Acanthurus Coeruleus or what? Havent seen one of those in ages... but there were Juveniles at ML about a year ago. Maybe you can ask him to bring them in again.
  14. Wow! Very nice. Is the colour in the pic the same as the actual specimen? The red/ hot pink is so amazing! Why am I not in s'pore...
  15. FLAME ANGELS ARE THE TRUE DEVILS... Just got an SMS from my mom that my flame angel harrassed my Orchid Dottyback to death after i left S'pore...
  16. May I know which LFS was so evil to sell you this fish??
  17. The last time I bought a French and Queen pair it was 70 each at Pac***c Mar**e. The adults are probably around the range of 120. Thats also the place which used to have these carribean angels most frequently, but now rarely also. Cheers~
  18. Wahz... for a second there I thought you had a 2 foot long clownfish... Love the pinktail... such nice wavy dorsal fins... too bad my fishes so small... haiz~
  19. Sailfin + Regal (blue) tangs are one of the more compatible pairs of tangs you can get. Just make sure you get your Blue Tang in before your Sailfin and that shouldnt be a problem. The reverse might not be true though.
  20. Actually it may not be Brown Jelly disease... Is the branched totally covered by brown slimy stuff or is the branch producing strands of filamentrous looking brown slime? If its the former, its brown jelly, but if its the latter, its either tha your hammer is expelling zooxanthellae due to stress, insufficient lighting etc etc or it may just be expelling undigested food if it just had a large meal of eg brine shrimps.
  21. Falcula and Auriga? Were they like really hungry? cos I cant imagine anything eating those stinky shrooms... I've kept Drawf Angels - Multicolour, Flame, Lemonpeel, Venustus (not really drawf but...) with Zoanthids, LPS - Torch, Branchy Hammer, Blasto, Frogspawn, Octos - Sinularia, Sarcophyton, Nephthea, Cladiella, and shrooms without any problem. I didnt try the more tasty corals like Prata, Brain so I dont know if they'll be munched on, but from stories here it seems like they will... The drawf angels are also unpredictable, but good bets will be Flame, Flameback and the least reefsafe ones will be Lemonpeel and Golden Angel. Good luck!
  22. Me too, would love to get a sunburst, but I havent seen it for a year plus. It was readily available about 1.5 years ago at ML, but at very tiny sizes... 1 inch plus only... Bartletts are very tough as far as Anthias go. They are also much more active than the others... give it sometime. Mine took about 4-5 days to begin feeding on frozen mysis. But as Henry recommended, althought Mysis is much more nutritional than Brine, fishes will feed on Brine much more readily, so you could get a pack of Brine to try if it really refuses to take the mysis. I find this true too. Cheers, and good luck~
  23. My top 5 most loved fish: 1. Zebrasoma gemattum 2. Five Bar Mystery Wrasse 3. Peppermint Pygmy Angel 4. Peppermint Hogfish 5. Japanese Pygmy Angel If I can catch any one of those and i'll be rich rich rich...
  24. I dont really think its palythoa sp. Palythoa polyps are larger and they generally do not have frilly fringes. Really nice ones you have...
  25. I also kena big time cyano after serious overfeeding to get my darling idol (who has since RIPed) to eat. Will Rowaphos help control cyano? I'm using M Mud... so I cant really add a skimmer...
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