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Everything posted by bawater

  1. i'm looking to solve this noise too, so spade where does the line to the skimmer go? to the airline or plastic valve? i'm guessing the plastic valve right? i got some pvc & end caps i can try this weekend.
  2. Parc Palais use to have a huge potato cod, recently died cause chemicals leaked in while they were cleaning the swimming pool. Furniture mall at beach road has 2 tanks. One reef partition & another damsel and macro algae alsoa partition. The Office at the basement of Hard Rock has a small reef tank -maybe 3ft, can stand at the door to see in.
  3. Dude, copper & corals don't mix. Everything will have copper- sand,LR,Tank,Water. Can become a FO now unless u change everything as per tanzy's advise.
  4. you've been fooled into thinkin that's a tank spade. i think its more like curing LR in tank on a permanant basis. A few leathers that are changed every month(i wonder why hmmm) & a few damsels....which i always see different ones(i wonder why again hmmm)can it be considered a reef tank from the dead sea? seawater- where is CHIJMAS?? chijmes, i only seen a tank in the restaurant but its FO. wisma- FO Airport- FO....unless u count the anemones CK tangs have one in the cosmetics section- but only a few corals. Liquid room(@sound bar) has one-also free to look.
  5. wedgee, u mean $12 ya? $412 ????? i'd rather use Tongkat Ali brineshrimp direct didn't want to agree to send me selcon cause delivery takes 3 days(ice pack last only 24hrs) & they said quality will degrade- may even go bad.But it can be done. maybe u chk wif sealife best bet.
  6. was thinkin & waiting for T5 since TFH did a review months ago. if prices were the same as T8 most probably would have gone for it but...... considering the prices + for a 4ft for good coral growth would need abt 8 tubes (6 white+2 actinic)same as VHO- MH turns out cheaper & is already a proven light source(takes up less space too). If u read the details on the test tanks with sps in them- they don't just run 2 tubes. They still pump out considerable wattage over their tanks. i think they are a very good alternative to PL. How deep the T5(which is still a FL) can penetrate is another consideration, maybe 1.5ft no problems but beyond?. so i agree with onghm- more feasible ugrade for 2ft or even 3ftooters. but if u have the cash to do it on a 4ft reef,why not. phang- maybe step up to 1000w sets before natural sunlight Do a search on T5 on the web, the history of it- it was actually designed for replacement of office lights a few yrs ago, running cooler-brighter-thus light to money ratio. They trying to make T5 the standard FL tube...(just like T8 is more common than the other T's....)took abt 2 yrs before the first T5 aquatic tube was available. sort of fuzzy on it cause read it last yr sometime.
  7. bawater


    spade , the arcadia marine white has a peak in the 600nm orange. So the word white is an understament, cause when i first got it i thought somethin wrong. Fish colours very vibrant under it though. Yeh- i got one of the T8 arcadia running close to its 13th month & it glows orangish, pink if mixed with actinic. Only seen mushrooms & leathers love it- zoos have trouble growing under them. but i like arcadia's actinic tubes(& very reasonable too).
  8. bawater

    Up coming

    by this weekend will be...... The lost city of Atlantis
  9. First of all, warm welcomes to SG reef. ryan, ious can be used but its mainly designed for fish keeping. Fish only will be fine. the concept is basic,sort of like a canister built out of glass in the tank. But there are so many variations of ios i don't know if all of them work well apart from the basic mechanical filtration/biological & a place to put some chemical filtration- nothing much else u can use them for(& they take up precious real estate of total tank volume). wind- i do not condone the sugar method, i tried it but only once out of Curiosity.if i remember,Hon has too. Although no harm was done to me-Do it at your own risk to your livestock. Personaly, a 2ft is easy- just keep up regular water changes to dilute the nitrates to acceptable levels.Readings of 50-100 mg/ltr is not unknown to FO setups. When u got new fishes,U need to acclimatise fish to these levels slowly. (a 2ft is abt 50ltrs, a 10% change is only 5ltr) Purigen is another chemical media u can consider. Here are the links for u guys again: nitrogen cycle filtration methods nitrate control
  10. sorry, dun feed dry food. used to tetra marin .......phosphate levels exploded. Now only staple beehoon(bloodworms) sweet sour prawns(mysis) sambal kangkong(nori) Hay bee hiam/prawn sambal( brineshrimp) on occasion- calamari(cut fresh sotong) green salad(american lettuce) got somemore but that ones really once in a blue moon.(mince prawn wif garlic and Spirulina/cucumber/bread). Nobody falls sick.
  11. bawater

    Up coming

    No worries Teck, we can do it if u shift your tank. The scaping & support is the easy bit(just use a picture of natural reef)- everything else is a headache. if u want to shift around in 3mths got to plan now-lots of waiting involved!. Give me a pm or sms.
  12. Staying in my current various tanks waiting for transfer: 1x Yellow tang 1x sailfin tang 1x scooter blenny 1x flame angel 1x maroon clown(need one pair) 1x yellow goby Inverts: 3x cleaner shrimp 1 x CBS monster(to be banished soon for murder of 3 other cbs & 2 cleaners) 1 x Halequin(getting a pair) 2x ###### shrimp(that's what kwang's calls them):aka dancing anemone shrimp. Some snails(started wif 3 now a few more)They spermenate in my tank every week or so. Extras-An antenna lion,tiny orange hermit & Ocellaris clown in a tank of its own . Everything else has gone in anticipation of my upcoming move.(white boxfish,Halequin tuskfish,all seahorses,six line wrasse.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wah! edwin! 20 chromis makes fantastic watchin !!
  13. defish, phang has all the documentation on importing corals black & white from AvA. The importers need to declare the livestock & pay the residing fees for the proper certs. That's all. Even if they try to sneak in LR undeclared only time before AVA finds out. Maybe only now the authorities are starting to look into the location that livestock are collected-but methods of collection still go uncheck. LR,mushrooms,sponges,leathers,open brains,bubbles,fans,sea mats,star polyps,macro algae? these are the staple stock. SPS- are not banned either,just need proper papers. u saw that one shop got fined for it,maybe it was not clearly stated-but there are others who bring them in legally,same species. Unless it is stated a specific species,Genus of coral. otherwise its just pointing at a needle in a haystack & calling it a needlestack. Singapore is a major exporter to the US & europe,just in case u do not know- does that mean 50% of the US & Europe keep banned corals? Most stock listed indopacific comes through here.
  14. buy more 2ft tanks hee hee. cannot have anything bigger than 2ft didn't say how many. My wife say no bigger than 4ft........but when tank come said should be bigger!.(especially when i said only 5 fish max,hee hee) Also owe her a blue boxfish- that means an extra 2ft just for it alone. Anyways-since she like to watch your tank you already got the upper hand. BUT before u plan any further -get your test kits,read the about the cycle,read or ask about fish compatibility,don't add anything else for a while till u test for zero ammonia & nirites. make sure that there is ample surface agitation. Your canister will take abt 2 weeks to kick in biological filtration then should see a dip in ammonia but high NIRITE. U will end up with NITRATES(diff from nirite)at the end of the cycle as the end product-how u get rid of this is either by diluting with a water change or one of the other NNR methods. pls read the cycle article- then read it again & know it by hard.Its not just some thing u come across, its a basic rule u need know to start right. Your damsels are nuclear proof but i wish the best to your cleaner wrasse.
  15. bawater

    Up coming

    The problem is that water will still stay still within the tube - allowing the water to become stagnant. Once this occurs, there will be algae blooms and the like. By drilling holes in the PVC, you allow for water movement throughout, and will not have to worry about this potential problem. Even if you are only using PVC as support (and not a full rack), still drill holes. This will also allow for the sandbed creatures to be able to access the PVC too and a breeding place for pods as well u would think that stagnant conditions within the pipes will work on the same concept as a DSB? but i think there must be a way for the nitrogen to be released and if it is sealed then it won't happen.
  16. bawater

    Up coming

    Dino, i think i'm too late with this soz u need to have a smaller cutter,u have the correct type but wrong size. The small one will enable u to get right close to the edge & simply trim unwanted bits-no filing needed. instead of 4 pieces of crate- should use PVC as support then crate as shelf.(strong enough for me to sit on it). Maybe cut your usage to one piece 4x2 only. pvc joints/pipes $10. Drill holes in pvc.No glue-configuration endless. A good amount is buried -adds to stability i'm halfway through aquascaping mine-only dry base rock is in. pardon the internal filter- filled with floss to clear the cloudy water temporary. Have fun!i did- felt i was back in lego land all over again!
  17. cheers DG! Scientific Name: Anthelia sp. Common Name(s): Waving Hand Coral Family: Xeniidea Order: Alcyonacea Subclass: Alcyonaria Class: Anthozoa Phylum: Cnidaria Features: The polyps can shink in size, but cannot retract. Tentacles have a feather like appearance. Size: 100mm long and 50mm wide, with polyps between 20mm to 80mm long and 8mm tentacles. Colour: Light brown. Water Movement: Medium to high surging current. Light: Medium to high light intensity. Feeding: Filters out small suspended food particles i.e. plankton.
  18. yup it is- saved only a few from an outbreak of brown spiky nudis(which were cute till i found out xenia colonies were missing). they ate 2 full rocks & i managed to save abt 4 stalks left threw them on a rock & hoped for the best. Nudis ate the top & left the stalks. These are non pulsing,brown(i guess indo-pacific) found in reborn. one of the bottom level tanks. ppl on RC use these for nutrient removal,harvesting just as u would macro algae. No stings.i don't even think they are classed as xenias?-but sure do look like them. But this tank is aiptasia free. i got an infestation of aiptasia in one of my 2fts which i just thermo nuclear cleaned- totally different creature.(i had so many nudis that i tried to put some in here- & they starved while whole tank was still a aiptasia orgy) Nudis didn't eat aiptasia Nudis didn't eat Algae/diatom/cyano Nudis didn't eat frozen brineshrimp/mysis/bloodworms/nori Nudis laid cresent shape batch of eggs every week Nudis like to make love on front glass in the evenings before lights out Tiny baby Nudis eat green algae on glass till 2mm in size......then...... Nudis die in Hot water & so do aiptasia. Nudis don't dry in the sun very well too.
  19. actually though abt it very long, 3rd chamber is a resevoir- 2nd & 3rd chamber should be able to take abt 30ltrs of extra water in case power cuts.(when power cuts the water in the main tank will still spill into overflow cause most ppl have abt 2cm of height extra water in the main tank at full capacity).This is just a what if senario-should not happen. Also the last chamber houses return pumps,skimmer & skimmer pumps,chemical filtration & some LR.(also got a 12"x5" area for me to hold a fish in prison). My skimmer is there cause i feed live phyto & i want some nutrients to reach the refugium to feed mini DSB-the floss can't strain the phyto cause they smaller than 10 microns.The life that the fuge produces doesn't need to reach back to main tank as that already has its own DSB-although some will find their way. Very simple design-and configurable cause i can always change the last to an added refugium if i wanted or fill water line above the last overflow partition. It is not designed to filter crystal clear water devoid of life- it is to remove unwanted waste(uneaten food,nitrates,organics)using natural ecosystem organisms. I tried the plant filter concept on a FW for almost 3yrs & it works really really well. - the main key is to use nitrate loving plants,doesn't matter if their ugly as long as it works cause it will be hidden. The macro looks a little ugly because i used them to filter a lionfish tank for a while. There was no other filtration for the lion except a powerhead for circulation. i went for a cheaper alternative & used sand for main dsb function & topped off with No.1, i did the same in the main tank so u only see the No.1 & not of the ugly sand. The bigger grain size will always find themselves on the top over time. The eggcrate is supported by a pvc frame-i used 13mm & rests on the bottom glass with weight spread by some T joints on the bottom. i should have gone for a 4ft sump.damn! Peiro- really depends on which algae u choose,those that don't go asexual & release back nutrients and will live as long as u give them food & light. Hitchikers i found on my rocks i used to seed refugium-some xenia & tiny featherdusters & a mushroom.
  20. My sump 3ftx1.5ftx1.5ft: minimal filtration- just floss(bio-balls there for bacteria to get a foothold & will be removed once hooked up to main tank). Filtration by mechanical/floss - & natural/ macro algae & mangroves- refugium supported by its own mini DSB. Refugium seeded with 500g old substrate'live' & 300ml live phytoplankton.Cycled in 2 weeks & just finished diatom bloom. ammonia 0,nirite 0,nitrates 20ppm (until dsb kicks in) Refugium- eggcrate rack supports macro algae rock weight, less weight on sand & less chances of compacting it-rendering DSB capabilities useless. Area 18"x18"x 14"
  21. i rotate frozen brine shrimp/mysis/ & bloodworms daily for yrs already. Every living fish will take it. Maybe takes new fishes a day or 2 to get a taste for it. Bloodworms & mysis are FW- seems the fish use up less energy expelling salt from their food thus get fat faster. everything in moderation is always fine, your tank is not the ocean so stress is higher & starving the fish i find inhuman. even rose anemone will grab a few worms. p.s- i only stick to Hikari. maybe cause of its Hygiene process & fortified with Vit C.
  22. have to run it a while on my side before i comment on it(at least a few weeks)- maybe can catch some problems. I know a handful of ppl have got one, so anyone else?
  23. UFO, since your tank is already 1 yr old then your sand is already 'live' live means u also need the fauna living in the sand which takes a longer time to develop than the bacteria. LR will seed the sand. The bacteria is everywhere & comes FOC,just need some time to find a home & multiply. BUT- currently u using no.3......and that's not sand,that's boulders in the DSB world-maybe 10" of it will give u the same as 3" of fine sand. Even No.1 is quite large but mostly everyone uses this,just increase depth to 5"-6". Maybe the sand size is a reason that u don't see worms & stuff in your substrate so far. As hong said,Arag-Alive has only bacteria-& i too say not worth it. how u going to check that that bacteria is still alive is beyond me. How u determine 'Live' when there are no creatures living in it.
  24. First, how long has it been running. That's a lot of fish for a new/young setup. Second- did u buy fishes one by one or a whole bunch at once.(this could contribute to the surge in waste produced) Third- Got some reading to do!. nitrogen cycle All about Filtration Fourth- Nitrate control methods by: Using Mangrove Plants Using Denitrifying Filters Using NNR (Natural Nitrate Reduction) Methods Using live rock and/or a Berlin System set up. Using live sand and/or a Jaubert/Plenum filter set up. Using a combination of both live rock and live sand. Using Denitrator Coils. Using Compounds. Using Chemical Additives. A Multiple Step Water Change Procedure. All covered in depth Here The choice is yours on which method u want to use,some work better,some work faster,some are cheaper to implement than others.
  25. easy Hon, just answer So that i can have the 2 things i love most in the same house to come back to everyday. U & my tank/Hobby. very important the YOU comes first!- u dig your own grave if u say tank come first.
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