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Everything posted by bawater

  1. oooh, thanks AT. mai tu liow!!!!!. shall use once i finito bottle. can't help u phang i'm still in the calcium for dummy's level.
  2. i confirm its not the trigger- cause i still losing fishes! damn pistol...from day one 5yrs ago untill now- just lost a pea size yellow boxfish(bloody $8 fodder), 2 common clowns & 1 orange firefish- the other has its spike snapped off. i'm so sure its a pistol cause everynite a crack & next day anything new & small is gone. anyways derf- the picasso to small to disturb cardinals.its lazy & fat- won't hunt anything except feeder shrimps. & u still get to see bits everywhere. but i did have a bigger O.niger who ate a yellowtail,dottyback & 6 chromis.
  3. no lah, testing wif the common types before i keep rare ones- dun want $$$ down the drain. try try for 12mths first- same goes for my FW zebra plecs(dump them in a 4ft- expect to see some kind of results within 24mths*setup started 2mths ago) & what's the point to keep them if u can't breed them-since lifespan is abt 3yrs for SH. They way we use them- they won't be around forever.
  4. its a 2ftx1ftx1.5ft- filled wif LR,macro-algae & running a 3tier overhead(in-tank bio-filter in the making) + a15w 7500k FL. Holding 12 horses & nothin else. feeding small feeder prawns,live brineshrimp,frozen brineshrimp,frozen mysis. i just remembered that i suppose to provide somethin for the babies to hang on too for them to have a chance!!! i forgot!!!!oh damn!!.The facts Doesn't look good. oh well!, should be ready next time. Anyways a typical brood should be min 40 & can go to into hundreds. so these 6 a mystery?.
  5. would like to know too tanzy, a little weary that kwalk would lower PH. i got half a tub of Kalkwasser still yet to use cause finishing my liquid calcium first- phew..still got a bottle to go. i dun really touch buffer cause its constantly stable(maybe due to regular water changes) i also dose- strontium,trace element,iodine(just a touch of them)cause i can't watch these levels. yet to use magnesium (also half a bottle in storage). i also read the same as AT of the build up of metals & mine reaching almost 6yrs- jeez the crap that must be in there!.already starting to experience troubles with water. i also read that some additives that is in seawater are not really needed & are toxic to the animals in high quantities. still being studied though. not to mention the liquid supplements i use(ana food,invertebrate gourmet,invertebrate calcium)soo many bottles i also lost track.
  6. found 6 mini seahorses this morning....totally unexpected,totally unprepared(i expected somethin in 6mths)- started bbs this morning. My copepods & amphipods cultures still not enough in numbers- so only managed to add maybe 4-5 of them in. Dun think they will survive.Hopefully seahorse God is looking down on me.
  7. loonz- $2 only ?can claim ur points for it. kel- really, cause the yellow tangs were from 50meters...so they had to release the pressure or else their swim bladder will bloat(just like the bloated market fish we eat).Before u get any ideas! wouldn't advise wiggling anythin else that resembles ur pinky in there! hee hee! bluecarpet- try try mah! monkey see monkey do! saw so simple- but actually its beak very sharp. i dunno when they will repeat- but they do often. although it looks kinda old production...somethin like early 90's
  8. hong- use limewood cause u get finer bubbles- the ceramic it comes wif last abt 2mths before it cloggs. & better to buy a few limewoods in one go cause gotta change quite often. BB- so wat u using now? i have 2 old(abt 2ys)orcas but suckers dun stick anymore- $5 if u want?(wif a new limewood) one is for 2ft height 12", the other is deep enough for 4" height 20".
  9. i dun mean that! dun just leave & hope ur water is good la deh!. i'm not using it- so dun take my word for it. u still have to tweak it so that u get a foam without too much of the water- the foam production level just below the collection cup abt 1".
  10. AT- they using the prism derf- wat u getting now is wet foam, which turns into a yellowish liquid. (note that it takes out a lot of tank water). what u need to try for is dry foam- that means it becomes a brown/dark brown residue in the collection cup. doesn't matter if it doesn't pull much out, its the same stuff only more concentrated.- maybe also means water quite good. my skimmer(although i not using prism)can go a whole week without collecting anything.
  11. derf...oooooooh !! no wonder u wanted list! heh heh. chinatown stock not really very healthy leh!.not to mention pricy! u staying west- patricks@marinelife-heong leong.
  12. Its ######!! SG Gov consider it ######...tut tut.. AT hee.......cool.
  13. they look like java fern only but in marine- there are a few kinds- u've been to lor halus so i guess u know the 2 marine ones there- reefworld is the one with blue koi ponds holding corals- all using natural sunlight. There is a kirin(LH) shop just behind it. pac marine is the one indoors. They have a blue tub outside with a big pac marine. they have macro algae $5 a piece(same price almost everywhere). try not to start on dwarfs- start on cheap ones & if u have success after a yr then move on to the rarer species.Seahorse won't die immediately, they slowly starve to death & this can take up to 4mths. 28c is good enough- how u do it up to u, fan will do.& u only need the light for the algae to grow.
  14. i saw that seatek episode- they caught lots of stuff- punctured its swim bladder then brought it to the surface. All hand collected in hawaii. problem is- collector sells @US$75- wholesaler @US$120 & retailer @US$300. a little too high. they had boxfishes too(only found in hawaii). rubbed its back so it released its poison first before putting with the other fishes. cool!- tried to rub mine & nearly got bitten.
  15. okee, bottle been there since day one. under increased circulation stopping the spread. Now just gotta deal with the other parameters.
  16. spade, u should have a look at phang's sump- really. solid & its huge. u can see it in working condition...a little hard to imagine from drawing. westernized concept & well made. hope to copy for my future system once his system is running. maybe copy everything eh! phang hee hee.(now depends on how much main tank cost u). chengai wood frame as well....... seems it comes to around same price as a brand new 4ft system sealife would quote wif standard wet/dry sump. i chk oredi.
  17. Tanzy,dun think miracle mud does anything for the water- its suppose to ibooster micro-fauna who actually do the work, who also becomes food for micro-organisms thus a micro eco-system. but i have very much doubts on it size- how much can such a small hang on process? i saw the trial systems using miracle mud in the US are refugiums in the sump..filtration systems of around 60-90 gals,filled with algae & assortment of worms. corals seem to do better because maybe they get actual live plankton. The nitrates reduction should be by the algae changing it into plant matter. Kel- i guess mangrove mud should do the trick for planting but got to run skimmmer on the setup before connecting to main tank.....mud has years of decaying matter in it...lotsa proteins-most prob. kill lots of sensitive things. Bet skimmer will be full of gunk. i've been thinkin of trying for ages but untill i actually get round to collecting it- won't know for sure. i can run it on a separate closed system(just a 2ft) & see what happens,just for fun.
  18. chromis are plankton feeders, its got a very small stomach but it eats often. dun worry. the picasso is very tame cause i slapped it many times when it tried for my hand,used to preform loops ard my powerhead-& its actually coral & clam safe. My previous O.niger bit & ate anything that moved(incl a dottyback)....including sticks,it was the first to go!!!!. P.S- AT will scream when he views this thread- PM me instead derf. cheers........
  19. trying to avoid repeating loonz: blue damsels(aka blue devil) $1 Domino damsels $1 Tomato clown $3.50 Saddle back clowns $5 Skunk clown $3-$4 maroon clown $3-$5 lion fish(base on species related) $8-$12 O.Niger trigger $8 Picasso trigger $6 clown trigger $20-$40(seasonal) chromis $1 copperband butterfly $3-$9(seasonal) cleaner wrasse $3 clown wrasse $6 dragon wrasse $6 banana wrasse $6 baggai cardinal $5 strawberry gramma $9 white spotted boxfish $10(med) yellow spotted boxfish $8(tiny) $12(small) scooter blenny $4 mandarins $8 comet/camel/candy shrimp $3 Common Seahorse (H.comes-aka-tigertails) $3-$5 snails $1-$2
  20. it eats, tetra bits,frozen Brineshrimp,live brineshrimp,small pieces of frozen bloodworms,frozen mysis,baby brine shrimp,flake. anything u want to throw at it. The trigger ate 6 of its buddies & its the survivor.
  21. wrong place to post derf, but welcomes...waiting ages to get rid.
  22. LR- setup just as ong says..rocks & macro algaes. if u just want to keep & dun mind the sight then can add some pvc tunes 1/4 wif elbows so it creates bars. 1/4 is a good size to hook on. damn...mine are eating feeder shrimps-which were meant for the lion. got to start stocking up oredi. LR- dwarf heidi from pac marine @$35 each(imported from brazil) i got the normal- brown/black/yellowtails from reefworld @$3 each. normal LFS sell abt $5 each.
  23. mine is a good size(& i mean round)yellow & lives solely on frozen BrineShrimp/frozen bloodworms/live BrineShr & recently just started taking frozen Mysis- i put in a lettuce leaf abt once a month(this is mainly for fibre so it clears the digestive system)- u can watch how much poo comes out when it eats veggies. american lettuce goes well,but local lettuce only get nips- u can also try nori seaweed sheets from the supermarkets- blanched spinach leaves(pour boiling water over them) & cucumber slices.
  24. BB- kwang got nothin new....same fishes as last week. only shrimps i saw were cleaners. new stock has lotsa eels(all kinds), a few picasso triggers,some common clowns & some seahorses(H.comes) but in very bad condition(nearly all had no skin on their tails, just bare pink flesh). i came away with nothing. new stock maybe end this week or next week.
  25. tanzy, i'm in a midst of a cyano bloom daily- been 2 weeks already, every day i get rid of it & everyday it comes back- just pointed powerhead at it yesterday(that's how i got rid of it before),but have to chk again tonite. It comes & goes. recently added extra 10K PL's , then it came. got a bottle of algae rid but never used it before...still pondering if it will kill other things too. wat measures did u use?
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