When I bought a colony of pulsing xenia from a reefer, I did not know that I was introducing aiptasia into my new tank. Gradually, it spread from the xenia colony to all parts of the tank. I tried Aiptasia X. It was only a temporary fix because as you covered up the spots that these pests inhabit, new ones appeared elsewhere. Using the chemical method was a never-ending job. In my frustration, I recalled the proprietor of a no-longer-existing LFS called Henry who used to sell the common bristletail filefish trained to eat aiptasia. It so happened that I like filefish. Even if the filefish doesn't eradicate the aiptasia, I am still keeping a fish that I like. Why not give it a try?
On July 2021, I visited Ah Beng Aquarium & selected & bought a healthy bristletail filefish for $8. In no time, the filefish settled down in its new home & started eating pellets. Within 7 days of its introduction, all the aiptasia in my tank were gone! I am pretty sure some of the aiptasia have gone into hiding in the live rocks but as long as they do not appear, it is fine with me & I have not seen a single aiptasia to this day. For those who are not familiar with this filefish, it is a mottled muted green & brown colour. What I find interesting about this specie of filefish is its ability to change its color according to its mood. It is also capable of changing its body color to blend with its environment, particularly among the live rocks. I also observed that it is willing to eat dried seaweed that I fed to my black tang. Finally & most importantly, it is reef-safe. It has not eaten any of my corals. Nor has it attacked my cleaner shrimp. To anyone who has aiptasia problem, I would strongly recommend trying out this filefish. What have you got to lose?