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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hi Lew, you are a real DIY King! Learnt alot of stuff from you blog. It your ideas coming. Where do you usually get the perspex how much $$ and what cutter do you use? Care to show some pics? I want to give it a try at DIY also. Thanks!
  2. Hi bro, your regal angel does not eat or disturb the corals?! I asked cuz I put in a Elegance and hammer in my tank and the majestic and aspher angels wacked it immediately and killed them. But did not see my regal touching them. Is regal anegl reef safe? Are there any coral reef safe angels? Because of what happened I am thinking of keeping tangs only for my new reef tank. All advise are welcome! Thanks!
  3. Looking for a 5ft lightset with at least 2 MH 10,000/14,000K & 4 PL actinic tubes. Anyone selling? If no pre-owned ones than will have to get new. Appreciate it if any bros can advise what is a good brand, where can find a good set at good price. Must learn from the epxerts. Thanks!
  4. lkoivoon is a very friendly, helpful and generous man! Saw the new tank it is very very nice and design specs is very fascinating, very detailed. The sump is so neat. Haha, Lew I can't remember all you taught me like where to put the skimmer in the sump, etc. Pai seh to call u. Looked up SR to see if I can find something on sump and found your forum! Thanks bro! Cheers!
  5. Any bros selling a 5 ft light set with 2 x 14,000K MH with 4 actinic PL?
  6. I use bioballs in sump but not ceramic rings. Tend to get better result with bioballs than other materials. Some LFS said bioballs is not suitable for marine tank, only for fresh water tank. But I have seen other marine LFS using bioballs for their tanks in the shops! Whatever the theory on bioballs, one thing for sure is they increase the surface area of water and improve air exchange.
  7. Looking for 5ft 2x10-14K MH lights with 4 actinic PL. Anyone selling? Or can exchange for a Hilux 3ft 1x10K MH with 2 actinic PL. Don't need immediately, only in 2-3 weeks. Thanks
  8. Yupe, seafood for them. They wollap my hammer, elegance, octopus recently. Think of not keeping angels just keep Tangs. But angels are so much beautiful and graceful. Good luck!
  9. Nice prata. Say, have any bros out there tried to keep angel fishes with: prata bubble hammer octopus yuma Elegance And what type of angels. Thanks!
  10. Hi bro, nice tank. What's the size of tank? What are the equipments? Thanks!
  11. Looking for used marine tank with cabinet and overflow % sump that fits the sizes: LxHxW: 5x2.5x1.5 5x2.5x2 5x2x1.5 5x2x2 4x2.5x1.5 4x2.5x2 4x2x1.5 4x2x2
  12. Thanks bros for all your replies. Have a good weekend ahead!
  13. Need to tap the experts out there. If a fish only tank has copper added before, if it is cleaned and water changed, can the tank be used to keep corals? Any method or chemcial for cleaning? Thanks!
  14. Can show pics of sump tank and piping? How old is the tank? Thanks!
  15. Looking for a used 5-6ft marine tank with cabinet IOS and sump. Any bros selling? Thanks!
  16. Pls let me know if tank is still available. Thanks!
  17. Sorry no pics cuz no digi cam. Dun worry, all items are in excellent condition and you can see it running. Here are some more descriptions: Tank - 3 ft x 18 inch x 18 inch. Front side curve edges with no joints. Hilux single MH with 4 actinic tubes. Less than 6 mths old. Black casing. Exactly 3 ft. Although I have intended to transfer the fishes over to my 5ft and let go the equipment thereafter, however think it is easier if I start from scratch all over. So if anyone can buy the whole set with fishes can take it immediately. Pls PM me to arrange to see the tank still running. Fishes: 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Yellow Tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Blue lips Angel 1 Majestic Angel 1 Asphur Angel 1 Yellow belly Regal Angel 1 Coral Beauty Angel 2 common clown 1 bi-color blenny 1 yellow stripes (instead of white) red clown 7 cleaner shrimps 1 boxer shrimp 1 red star fish 1 Sally light-foot crab Live Rocks/Aragonite sand
  18. I am selling my 3 ft set up cuz upgrading to 5ft. However can only collect next month when my new tank arrives. The following are the items: 1. 3ft round edge tank with black cabinet. Less than 1 yr old bought from AquaMarine. 2. Black color 3ft Hilux light set - 1 MH 10K and 2 actinic blue tubes. 3. Aqua Clear overflow box and acrylic sump - complete set with Ehiem return pump. With bioballs compartment. 4. Ehiem 2228 canister filter. Preferrably sell as a whole set. PM me to view, quote me price and reserve it.
  19. I am looking for a 5ft light set with at least 2xMH 14k and 4xactinic blue tubes. With separate timer switch for MH and tubes. If u have one pls PM me. Thanks!
  20. Looking for 5ft marine tank with cabinet and sump. Can exchange for my 3 ft tank with cabinet and overflow box to a US made acrylic sump. Reason fishes growing big need more space.
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