I seem to have difficulty keeping clown fish. Usually they are doing fine for a few days looking healthy and eating well. Then suddenly they stopped eating and noticed they started passing out long white string from anus. They started to look unwell and die. No white spots or velvet. Any bro can advise? Thanks in advance.
SL has about 8 really small blue line triggers price one red and one green. Lots of small common clown, tomato clown, maroon clowns, blue tang m size, big clown trigger and shoal tang, lots of algae Blenny, new shipment of corals..
Thank you so much for all your feedback. I am taken in my it's neat design that will look good in office. Got a brand new ocean free tank but still undecided if I should get the fluval tank. I see YouTube and a lot of ppl setup marine using fluval. I will be keeping mainly yellow tang and blue tang and some mushrooms.
Anyone used this type of tank for marine aquarium? It's the type where the water is all the way to the top of tank, but using only hagan hang on filter.