Prefer in North. PM if have big piece to let go at reasonable $. Does anybody knows if AM has LPS and soft corals this week? Thanks for reading.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Prefer in North. PM if have big piece to let go at reasonable $. Does anybody knows if AM has LPS and soft corals this week? Thanks for reading.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
U can start tank w natural seawater need not cycle. when water clears up can put a pair of clown fishes. Try to get from bros who have kept them for a few months higher chance of survival. Then slowly stock up over a few months. Remember to TOP up w distilled water due to evaporation. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
SL lots of YT, flame, black tang small, chevron tang small, many others. Corals cauliflowers pink, orange, etc. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app