I did a round of WC 20% read articles not to change too much it will affect corals. Not using rodi water, using water from purifier for human consumption Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Thanks bro. I tried GSP many times but they disintegrated within weeks. Learnt that it could be due to nitrates. Got a test kit and indeed it was off the chart. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I have a nano tank just checked using API test kit nitrates is off the chart bright red! I'm going to use Red Sea nopox. Anyone used it before? How long does it take to bring nitrate down? What else can I do?
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Thanks Bros for your responses. My GSP was closed after Xenia disintegrated and polluted tank when I change new rowaphos, chemipure blue n carbon. Did water change but GSP remained closed. Dosing redsea nopox now. All advice is welcomed. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Have a green star polyps the mat is light pink not purple. It's been closed for 3 weeks, mat is still intact not disintegrating.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I changed a bag of new chemipure blue, activated carbon and rowaphos. Overnight water turned cloudy with Xenia die off affecting LPS. Leathers and mushrooms all shrunk GPS closed. Anyone has the same experience?
Threw out Xenia and LPS changed 20% water. Water cleared up now but corals still not opening. Anything else I can do?
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app