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Everything posted by Jakuson

  1. I caught it at sentosa beach.. haha.. is this some kind of cardinal? I am thinking whether they can co-exist with clownfishes... should be not problem right?
  2. Someone can help me ID this fish? Pardon my lousy photo taking.. sandbed abit dirty too.. cos still in semi-cycling stage..
  3. I guess so.. but still wanna know if there is such a fish available in singapore... anyone seen before?
  4. Anyone know if singapore will have this fish for sale? It's a different morph variant of the helfrichi firefish.. super duper nice!!
  5. Hi all, I am looking for a cheap light set for my refugium for my chaetos that are currently breaking apart.. I am using 1 tube of T5HO(Aquaz 12000K Super Sun), and somehow it is not working.. Was hoping to get a clip on type, more energy saving and won't take up so much space.. Someone save help save my chaetos!! Or if someone could point me to the right place to buy a really cheap one.. I am living in the west, so maybe clementi 328 is the best place for me to get the lights.. but I am not sure which one I should use or choose..
  6. That's a really useful and helpful chart.. Thanks! I like those that are in the left section..
  7. Wow... 6 blue notes is a bit over in my opinion... lolz... if this price is for a pair then maybe still can accept... if 6 blue notes for only 1 fish... omg!
  8. That is so true.. but just wanted to know what is the most popular clownfish amongst the reefers.. I personally like true perculas clowns all along.. but now there is so many different types of them.. like picasso clowns and the recent local aquacultured "black ice clown" which closely resemble the true percs with some missing stripes and some patterns on their body.. Just wondering whether if they are like super expensive? Kind of interesting and thinking of keeping them.. if anyone knows the rough estimate of the price, please kindly PM me.. Thanks..
  9. Recently there is so many types of new clownfish emerging.. Just wondering, what is the most popular clownfish right now and the price range for it?
  10. Will one set of lumenaqua 300 be overkill for use in a 2feet(L) x 18inch(W) x 18inch(H) tank? Mainly keeping softies and and maybe some LPS..
  11. $20 anyone? For those who use public transport..can also collect at boon lay mrt station as it is near to my place..
  12. Hi all, Have this skimmer to let go.. Please note that you need a pump for this to work.. This is only the skimmer itself.. Totally brand new and have not touched water.. Selling for $30.. Interested can PM me.. Collection will be in the west..
  13. Ah beng is a bit too far for me.. I am living in the west.. its like the other end of singapore.. Hopefully geckus live in the west too.. Will try to PM him... Thanks for the really fast response mini reefer..
  14. No one have any to like spare or sell?
  15. Anyone have any to spare or sell? Or maybe knows where I can get these at any shops? Want to cultivate them in my refugium.
  16. ok.. thanks alot for the info.. Will get some of those for my tank..
  17. Looking for chaeto for my refugium.. Anyone in the west have some to spare? Would need about 2 or 3 handful of it.. anyone who have any to spare in the west please PM me.. thanks!
  18. Was thinking of that as well, but I was thinking whether can if 2x T5HO is enough for the zoas? like maybe 1xactinic and 1xsupersun or something like that.. I have another question and that is whether actinic will aid in zoa growth or is it just for aesthetics purposes? Thanks for the advice Admiraltian.. appreciate it!
  19. Yeah.. Will be adding more liverocks.. still finding.. The bioload is really really small.. there is only 2 fishes and a few corals now... so I think it's still not too bad.. i am going to get chaetos and more sand(DSB purposes) for my refugium(middle part of sump) before adding more livestocks..
  20. Hi all, Here is the up and running tank after some tiring work! It looks pretty empty right now.. I am looking for chaetos and copepods and amphipods for my refugium.. Anyone have any to spare? I am currently running 2x T5HO aquaz super sun 12000k and it doesn't really bring out the zoa colours. Can anyone give me some suggestion on what combination of lights and which brand would be good? Here is a few pics of the zoa under my lighting. It's really bad...
  21. Thanks for the input..but this setup is all from my old setup last time which I have kept lps and soft corals and some fishes for like 3 years, everything was good.. Now I just making a comeback with the same setup.. hehe.. I have already put in water and stuff.. can't change anything already.. haha.. I have a skimmer if the macro algae does not work.. but I will be stocking super slowly.. so I don't think I will have to touch the skimmer at all.. Regarding the overflow pipe, I can't really change much, because the flowrate is just right for my return pump already at around 2500litres/hour.. the flow have been adjusted such that there is not groggling sound in the overflow and stuff like that.. so don't wanna mess it up since it is already good and been serving it's purpose for a good 3 years the last time I had this setup.. Would be great someone could donate or sell me some chaetos and teach me how to maximize their growth.. Don't really have much luck growing the chaetos the last time I tried, which was a few years back.. Will show the finish setup later in the day..
  22. Hi all, I am starting a new tank setup and planning to use this tank mainly for zoas and probably a few small fishes. Here is the setup after a tiring revamp of an old stand and tank that have been housing some freshwater fishes previously. I will be shifting my current running tank(2ftx1ftx1ft) which is inside the house to now this slightly bigger tank. It will be another tiring day tomorrow! I am planning to put a DSB in the middle compartment of the sump and get chaeto to grow in there as well for nutrient export and it will also serve as a refugium for me to grow amphipods and copepods. I will not be using any skimmer and this will be my main nutrient export. Compartment to the right will be where all the filter wools and such to clean out all the dirt and waste of the fishes. I am wondering what critters I should be putting in the refugium to keep everything in check.. Any help and ideas are welcomed! Will update again tomorrow after I put everything into place. Thanks for viewing!
  23. Where can get this kind of bags? Or maybe can sell me a few pieces?
  24. Thanks for the offer! But I have already gotten my chaeto from a kind reefer FOC... Thread Closed...
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