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Everything posted by roidan

  1. yeap, all the best for all our pieces
  2. that's why i am happy for you... glad to see at least one of us here have a great piece of ABT swimming around...
  3. dispar, lucky you...and luckily for me, i did not release him immediately into my main system after buying, otherwise i wun be able to eat properly these few days seeing him develop such stuff together with all my fishes around him IcecruncherZ, probably the ABTs cannot get used to what we can provide for them... thus they were susceptible to this disease... never mind, we just do what we can for them, the rest, is up to the fishes themselves
  4. personally, i really mean personally, i do not like freshwater dip as i feel that it stresses the fish more rather than kill what it is supposed to kill. In the end the fish upon further stress may just give up fighting. My preferred way for my ABT is change water more frequently, use myzaxin, and feed it a well balanced diet. It does help alot that my piece is eating well for now at least. But you never know when the condition may worsen till it stops eating. By then, it's just the path of no return.
  5. maybe someone like cookie can make a DIY system that both triggers an alarm when a preset temperature is reached and also a probe to place near floor tile level to trigger an alarm when it senses water...ie..flooding of coz, we got to be careful when mopping to prevent false alarm
  6. it's actually not only the lights...the return pumps will slowly add heat or even if the return pumps are of low heat transfer type, the water will slowly rise to ambient temperature when we are sleeping... what if in the middle of the night, the chiller for no rhyme no reason stops working or the pump that pushes water to the chiller stops working.... i am not talking about a power failure where everything stops. I am referring to what happens if something goes wrong only in the cooling system loop while the rest of the system is working fine. an alarm at preset temperature can help in such a scenario i feel.... for those non IKS users like me, a simple water temperature alarm can alert us... any electronic DIY masters? cookie perhaps?
  7. condolences.. i am sure the remaning surviving pieces will be in good hands and waiting to return to your tank.... from this experience, do you think we should install a temperature alarm? so that somehow if the chiller stops working or the pump for the chiller stops working for no reason, an alarm would come in say at a preset temperature for us to take remedial action? any bros know of such a device?
  8. one of the more unique tanks that puts the position of the overflow permanently outside the tank than inside. well, at least you can have the full space of your tank for scaping
  9. IcecruncherZ, not too sure about that but i did see an ABT in the showtank today. I really hope our pieces wun get fullblown severity of such an attack..i am currently using Waterlife Myzaxin, but i also have Seachem Paraguard which i bought a long time ago but haven't got the chance to open it up to use... both are similar in a way that they are broad spectrum bacteriacide.. but the seachem paraguard does not have formalin..whereas the myzaxin has formaldehyde
  10. hehe...a few fish tanks around , wasted if never use...might as well convert to marine... thanks lvcap, hope yours fight it off also. anyway, have a good friday evening, enjoy your dinner and after dinner programs
  11. yeah...i have a tank in my room..cannot say Q tank lah...coz my prof X is always inside....i tend to intro newcomers there to monitor easier and let my prof C teach them how to be an obedient fish i recently set up another tank in the next room...but nothing worth posting lah
  12. bubblegum, thanks, same to you, u have many pretty pieces too dispar, yeah lor...now one of the atlantic brothers (mine) getting sick
  13. this jewel fought off cycles of slight ich and has grown slightly fatter...she was wafer thin when i got her.... but on the other hand my favourite *luohan* ABT genna some fin rot...dosing med now..he is still eating like mad in my room...but doesn't seem to get better...sigh never mind...do wat i can, the rest leave in the hands of fate
  14. dispar, my tangs grow bigger...so skimmer must catch up with them and bigger also lor here's a multicolour
  15. soon soon... i simply can't wait to change skimmer...then tangs eat and poo how much i also dun care.... and back to the good old days of CBD peak hour traffic in my tank
  16. a good idea because sometimes shrimps will wrestle the food away...using such covers will actually allow the corals to feed at their own pace instead of getting their meal times interrupted by greedy shrimps
  17. nice tank alan....seeing the pics i can also feel the space for the fishes to swim
  18. dispar, bartlett feeding not so demanding...and also snatching pellets from my tangs...good...time for my tangs to learn to share their food flubber jie, yeah..u are totally right.... getting back to the good old days
  19. hope the storm is over and it's clear skies ahead in SRC fishes having meeting
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