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Everything posted by roidan

  1. thanks for all the offers here....especially the ones by danano and weileong....so chio..... i have more or less decided on a pastel pink yuma already.... yuma on its way to my place liao for me to see with my own eyes before agreeing to the deal no obligations...nice chap
  2. yeah lor...i not greedy one...lol... kidding lah....will go over help you take when i am free
  3. i can offer my humble f828 to take some shots for you but then i will have to go home with a single zoo polyp of each colour
  4. once arsenal change into their CL jerseys...they are mentally defeated even before stepping out of the changing room to kickoff ... but when they play in england, they wear their jerseys of invincibility
  5. Arsenal 4 - 0 Charlton maybe one of these days can organise 11aside soccer wearing our fav team jerseys
  6. hehe..ok lah... anyway to update: top of my options is a multicoloured yuma from a bro who does not want to be named. 2nd option is the pink one from weileong..... no 3rd option as of now
  7. cheap never mind...thats why i dun wanna talk about selling or prices... i will just change for those that i take a fancy to...if cheap like you say but really exotic or weird looking...i will consider for sure
  8. any pics of it? if paiseh show in here...just PM me the link to the pic
  9. hehe... the pic taken with my sony v1 last time..now not using liao... hahaa..wah liew...at most i go farms purposely buy a cheap zoo with these nudis on them...maybe cheaper than your $10 kidding lah...let me know when u wanna get rid of them..keep in touch
  10. yo nelson... I WANT !!! here's a look at mine long time back on 12 February .. looks familiar over your side? that time totally no aiptasias..... I MISS THESE NUDIS
  11. go post... Aiptasia Killers for sale (for non-zoos keepers only)
  12. weisoon u are probably very right compared to aiptasias which offer a potent resistance due to their stinging nature.....zoos seem to be a more passive and willing prey for the nudis...right? ok....new method i propose..... leave the zoos there till u see quite alot of those adult ones around....then u remove the zoos and pass to another reefer or put the zoos in the sump...those nudis in the main tank have no more zoos to feast..have to work the hard way by hantuming the aiptasias.... and once u see no more aiptasias...u intro back the zoos to feed the nudis....till the aiptasias come back and u deprive the nudis the zoos again and they are forced to work hard again
  13. seriously i faced the same anger and angst as you when i saw them leeching on the top of the zoos trying to access the zoos from the top of the polyps.... but now thinking back...i rather keep a cheap zoo somewhere hidden away from view as food for them and let some of them settle existing or potential aiptasia problems for me.. go read the url...the article seems all positive about them
  14. with no zoos...those remaining will probably hunt down aiptasias in any size till really no more food left for them...then the population will slowly decline till u hit zero... ever since i did the same as what you are contemplating now, i see isolated aiptasias popping out which sometimes i nuke them manually... on 2nd tots...maybe i rather keep a cheap zoo behind all the liferocks as food for them and let some of them go hunt down the aiptasias as i am a heavy fish feeder...aiptasias have a lot of chance to catch the food i feed for my fishes and proliferate
  15. they are actually quite desirable in their own unique ways http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-01/...ature/index.htm
  16. yo nelson... dun throw them away...pass to me.... i no more zoos for them to attack..but got tiny aiptasias for them to eat...lol.....
  17. confirm nudibranch..i had them some time back.....got good and bad... these nudis can control aiptasia population...but they also attack zoos....that time i had no aiptasia problems even though i feed heavily...but when not much aiptasias left...they went to suck the zoos instead heng those are cheap zoos... now no more zoos around...i have to nuke the tiny aiptasias manually
  18. okok..lol..u also not bad yourself jie.. Shopping queen or LFS queen also can
  19. flubberina: alot of nicknames if u want...beckettking..lpsking..prataking...cyanrinaking...blastoking..yumaking.... fat-tangs-king....iwaki-king.... maybe i should join the foreign ministry and resolve the LP issue with taiwan MP ah....dunno leh...alot of political figures from my alma mater...dun want to disgrace the system with my *political* foray weileong: if you are serious about swapping, i will let u know if i wanna go ahead with the swap as there is another piece that i have taken a liking too as it is pretty multi-coloured. in any case i will let u know of the swap details...thanks
  20. thanks for understanding bro that's why i always find it a moral dilemma to sell quote too high, spoil friendship, in chinese saying...过不了自己 ie cannot bring myself to do that. quote too low, become 对不起自己, ie not being fair to myself... so it becomes a moral dilemma for me...that's why decided on a swap basis...if i dun see anything i take fancy, then the swap dun go through..simple as that...if both parties like what each other has to offer..then deal go through
  21. deepblue: hehehe...got alot of hidden dragons with exotic stuff one....but then again....they wun want to post here to let others know what they have to offer also...okok...for the sake of confidentiality, those who wanna swap but paiseh to show the pics in this thread can PM me with an external link to your pictures.. wah...the distant cousin of yours is nice...all the white banding is unique maybe will go your place pass you your babies back tonight and check out your setup at the same time lvcap: not really lah....quite tired....went to sleep after i posted and hoped to wake up with the correct camera and lenses to buy in mind P.S. as for your PMs, please wait patiently for your replies...i dun want to rush through every PM and sound rude and curt to you guys
  22. giantbicycle: please refer to canned reply Creetin: ok...try and post what u have to offer, if it is exotic and weird enough, definitely can consider swapping.. as for the cam, yeah....it's not bad, the f828 i am using, but i am quite irritated by the some noise and distortions in the pictures...intend to go for DSLR YzF: other nice yuma ah...have is have lah...but dun intend to swap those pieces yet since you have this piece that i am offering for swap, then no point swapping with me sunny03: will take yours into consideration....but greenish yumas not exactly what i am into currently
  23. yo bros...the following is a canned reply to why i do not want to sell corals in here, which is why i din wanna go through pasar malam section i dun like to sell corals in here or other forums....because i dun want to overcharge you guys and spoil relations...similarly undercharge it's like bullying myself....except maybe equipment where there is a used market guide for sale to refer to... that's why most of my stuff i sell to my nonSRC friends...less politics also...hehe.... just wanna swap for another piece of exotic yuma..in that case both the other party and me wun talk about dollars and cents...hehe.... now let me answer you guys one by one...hehe
  24. for swop with other weirdo yumas interested please pm with description of what you have to offer for a swop...or you can post your weirdos in here for me to refer to PM only please...no calls entertained even for ga gee nang, going to put phone at home while i undergo a camera shopping day in town today quite irritated with the quality of my pictures still... wanna push towards the pinnacle of perfection
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