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Everything posted by roidan

  1. one of my cousins with the skimmer
  2. Not Baron's strong brew... but Roidan's strong skim
  3. and sell not bubble tea but bubble foam right?
  4. yeah....and cut his hair also...lol... anyway... he nearing 10.....old man liao
  5. jd: i can't wait for sunday to come also typrobin: yeah...spears rule
  6. to spears or not to spears.... both are 1.5inch gate valves...apparently one is not as compact as the other
  7. good things come in pairs, as the chinese saying always goes around $100 for 2 1.5inch spears..ie. one piece is $50 ...those 1inch and 3/4inch sure less than $50 a piece
  8. the *matrimony* of acrylic and pvc
  9. it's not about patenting a photo or watermarking a photo..... it's just basic courtesy to inform the original owner of a photo if u want to use his/her photo for your own purpose.....let alone altering it in any form or way. but well, sometimes it's just too exciting to see some unusual DIY stuffs in here and probably want it for oneself, so i understand
  10. planetg: well well...we shall see marineman: yeah..keep in touch....i am sure will be able to meet up someday when u are over here or when i am in KL..hehe
  11. hehehe... thanks big bro.... in life experience i am still way way back behind you...will need to tap your experience in life also
  12. my doggie guarding my skimmer
  13. bought this set of acrylic polishing kit from Ian....our sponsor... want to use this to polish my AquaC and H&S before passing them over to their new owners..i hope i can make them look as good as new for the new owners any extra then i use and polish some odds and ends in this skimmer....not enough never mind...this quattro skimmer not for sale...personal use only...lol if u want to polish your acrylic...look for Ian
  14. the keyhole flange that really looks like a keyhole
  15. no problem at all i made worse judgement errors before
  16. the one on top was before the whole thing was done mah the one below is after the inner neck of the collection cup is added.. somemore if u know about beckett skimmers...u will know the top one is not completed one....coz...there is the top flange of the middle section...but there is no flange at the base of the collection cup to mate to.... and there is no inner tube on top of the taper neck in the top picture
  17. thanks guys.... actually i could have made do with my AquaC/H&S combi... but hand itchy....leg itchy...mind itchy....wanna get one last skimmer till the end of my hobby days....so that i can skim 8ft...10ft...12ft tank next time when i can afford my own landed property...i can still use this monster
  18. haha....wait you guys end up covered in nuclear waste....lol... no lah...what i can show u guys...i show thru photos here.... other than that...are alot of design innovation by the designer that i have to protect his interests..... as cookiemunster once said and i agree.. it takes weeks...months....years even perhaps to hone a design... but just seconds to pilfer it
  19. Unleashing my weapon of mass.... skimming soon on my reef stay tuned test firing on sunday.......
  20. not shiny? not pure mirror finish i think that's what dr evil means the kind of mirror effect we see ourselves in the mirror when we shave yeah weisoon is right..if can get this kind of mirror-effect reflectors would be realy good
  21. just to see how big the collection cup is... disclaimer: doggy posed in it for a couple of seconds only
  22. ever wondered why beckett users sometimes complain about the bobbing of the foam/water level whereas needlewheel users are very happy with their stable foam head? part of the solution is the tapering neck that most, if not all, needlewheel skimmers have.... i have the luxury of seeing injection skimmer and needlewheel skimmer for many months operating side by side in my system......thus i know how important the tapering neck is.
  23. u forgot one part... the best electric bill soon too play the russian roulette? kidding lah...will be having extra injectors/housings so that during maintenance...i take out one housing...i have one immediately to put back without much interruption while i can take my time...and wash ...can wash for days or weeks also can...
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