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Everything posted by roidan

  1. DKH quite low..only about 8 (sera)
  2. just measured my calcium levels...should be (+ - ) 430....will take it again a few days from now....then maybe i can decide dosing rates if needed....
  3. actually u cannot just paste a price on the size and type of clams... its the colours as well...if got those variety of patterns and colours...even crocea clams can go up to $100...hehe... once you do alot of clam shopping..u will know if the clam is worth it at the price the shop is selling or not...
  4. i was using seachem reef complete...now trying reefez calcium..but usually i do water change when the calcium levels drop instead of dosing calcium...coz last time 2ft, change water very easy mah...hahah.. now 6ft....really headache...
  5. ok..hehe... but i may be making a clam tank also..so i figure i may have space for another 30 more... hehe...
  6. wah..hehe.. yeah...then u better sayang it back to health... no angels or damsels in my tank..unless they are the charlies angels
  7. clams ah...agar agar slowly buy if got nice ones lor... but if no space..then have to buy some and then sell some not so nice ones to make space...hehe
  8. now 1 yellow tang...1 sailfin tang....and the 6 purple queens... for cardinals i think they tend to swim in schools from what i see...but of coz there may be adventurous ones that swim away from the pack..hehe
  9. genna bullied by what? he got triggers in his tank ah...
  10. yeah..i will collect it this weekend.... he said high fins, so i was interested lor...that's why i grab...u got the other stuff ..dottyback hor..hehe were the cardinals schooling orderly together? or must i put them through drills to get them to swim together...lol congrats also on ya dottyback..hehe
  11. all from the single wall socket that has an individual module at the power box lor... so from that single wall socket i figured i can power up to at least 2000W of appliance from there.... 13A x220V = 2860w but noway am i going to waste all 2000W on this hobby..heheh as long they dun draw more than that can liao..but imagine, a single small hairdryer can be 1500 or 1800W liao....wah liew.... drain more power than MHs
  12. ok..i go take a look at the clams when they are sleeping now..shhhh.dun wake them up..hehe
  13. hehe..yeah lor...must slowly increase the light intensity when they just wake up from their sleep mah...hehe my sump ah...so dirty and untidy...lol....only the clams side of the sump i show liao mah..hehe
  14. they never on at the same time mah..hehe coz the blue turns on first....then after an hour, the center MH fires up....then after an hour the left and right MH fires....and then the blue turns off.... then in the evening...the blue turns on again for an hour before the left and right turns off....then an hour later the center Mh turns off....and an hour later..the blue turns off..hehe if just use one timer...all 3 MH fires at the same time ah...from sleeping mode the corals go into cooking mode liao..hehe
  15. the 3 timers for my main tank.... one for the blueplus T5 lights... one for the single center MH lamp... and the final one for the 2 MH lamps left and right...
  16. my 2 timers for the T5 lights in the sump... first timer switches on a single tube....after an hour the 2nd timer switches on the other 2 tubes....then after the photoperiod, the 2nd timer offs the 2 tubes before the first timer offs the last tube
  17. most of us see the shell types and the patterns....squamosas are the easiest to spot coz their patterns are generally brown and biege and are quite big already when u see them in farms... derasas i am not too sure how to identify other than looking at the patterns itself..hehe maximas have asymmetrical shells...most of the time with large scutes on the shells...scutes meaning the shell protrusions... crocea on the other hand...have more symmetrical shells...with smaller scutes...
  18. yeap...aquaC ev240.. can find it at www.eaquanature.com, our sponsor
  19. wah..so drama...their eggs will be good coral food u know..hehe.. i always see their green eggs but never see them unloading them...lol wah...8 shrimps slowly gone..tats quite alot of money also bro...
  20. wah liewwww....u killed it for wat??haha give to us here mah.....wat happened? how u killed it
  21. yeah..they always take the easier way out..but i did see them cleaning the fishes also when the fish swim near them....hehe so feed just enough for the fishes to eat so that the cleaners are forced to do some work..hee
  22. another 2 frogspawns on the other side of the tank....one fleshbrown colour..another limegreen colour
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