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Everything posted by roidan

  1. wah liew...haha.. u play the game tonite and u will know...LOL
  2. haha...yeah..enjoy the game.. i love kasumi
  3. i already featured bwilly liao..hahha....
  4. sorry for out of topic...but here is Bwilly and me in action....LOL bro bwilly: hahaha http://www.fanta.dk/showmovie.asp?mid=9E19...36-017BF1C29CEB
  5. i nearly fell off the chair laughing at all these
  6. bwilly: or you nose bleed from the xbox Dead or Alive game? heheh
  7. 8 to 8.3 is fine..but best keep it at a fixed ph level as much as possible although the reading changes throughout the day..try to minimise that swing.. NO2...definitely u need it to be ZERO NO3...as low as possible....25 may be too high for some corals...but fishes will be fine with that reading and what must you do, keep reading more online information...not all may be correct, so just moderate all the information yourself
  8. change the glass compartment inside the tank? think very difficult to remove...unless that means slicing thru all the silicon....maybe jie can post a pic here for us to see?
  9. er...got it liao....its in the member's gallery under my thread..hehe http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=ST&f=34&t=7509
  10. as long as in the same tank with the same water...yes...it will spread...
  11. very true...hehe but sometimes must see lucky or not...those clusters on a single rock may be 5 to 6 frags..then the final price can faint liao...but imagine if the same area covered by only 2 frags...wah...damn worth it
  12. tats true...the best is to ask him before you buy lor..then wun end up getting a shock when he tells you the final price
  13. each polyp may have 2 to 3 mouths..as long as it still is a round circular shape...henry generally treat it as 1 mouth..but if it looks more like 2 circles join together like a big oval....then he counts as 2 frags
  14. yeah....croceas have amazing mantle meat that stretches far past the shell edge..whereas maximas more or less covers the shell edge only..hehe.
  15. read somewhere that crocea has one of the largest mantle extension to clam size ratio...compared to other clams like maxima...
  16. generally they love currents...they do not need light as they do not have symbiotic algae to photosynthesize..hehe
  17. think one bro here also had his black sun coral open up..it was in a sun coral thread i believe... it can't remember how long it opened up...but today i shifted its position to the sandbed where there was lots of lateral current and now its showing its pleasure by opening up....before that i placed it on the rocks with criss cross current and only a few polyps opened... i think it's a matter of coral fengshui...hehe
  18. 3 bubbles in tentacle mood...totally different from bubble mood hor..hehe
  19. they just opened up in the dark and i just frightened them by flashing them...lol..i promise not to do that again
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