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Everything posted by roidan

  1. wah bro..no wonder din bother to sms me back... too busy picking your clams ah...haha really nice clams bro...now i have to endure liao.. before i buy any new clam, i must think which clam to remove...headache approaching half century mark liao
  2. using the mutli strain DT now can do it ah.... that time i heard only the mono strain DT in the past can, now the multi strain got problems in culturing.. but i guess u managed to do it congrats
  3. thanks for the compliment on my avatar, need u to teach me how to culture successfully so that i can maintain the beauty of it...
  4. wah bro... tell us in detail how u did it leh...many of us wanna culture for sure to save DT money..hehe
  5. hehe...some article from the net about clams http://www.aquasearch.net.au/aqua/clamculture.htm http://www.aquarium.net/0597/0597_1.shtml
  6. height no need too high, so that u can just use 150w MH....mine is just 1 feet high.... actually its best you have the clam tank to support some main reef tank coz clams need some wastes from fish/corals or DOCs to thrive, its part of the whole reef system as clams are natural bio filters since you can house a nice 3 x 2 tank concept, go full reef and have many clams in it better
  7. yeap..they are quite timid at times...they do best in groups... make sure your water parameters do not stress them and then they will feed slowly...when one eats, the rest follows...
  8. quite alot....i used the sicce extrema with this last time
  9. u need to use a pump with flow rate around 2000 to 2500 l/hr to get the best results with weipro 2012 which day open ah..i also not sure...
  10. hougang...then u should head to petm@rt at serangoon north there..... price and height..go there and see best
  11. yeap...weipro can be used hanging outside the tank....maybe you can go for weipro 2012
  12. that will be one of the best decisions u ever made, to take out the coral chips... aquaC hangon versions work very well...go check it out....
  13. Hi bro marineman, glad you made it through 1/3 of the thread....now there's 2/3 still waiting for your eyes to plough through...hehe High tech equipment? I think u are praising the wrong person here, there are quite a number of reefers here with higher end equipment...just that i am pretty trigger-happy when it comes to using my digicam Er, when you come down to Singapore? Sure, but let me know beforehand....have to scrub my glass of weeds, coraline algae and even tiny calcerous worms before the big day Oh yeah, then probably when i drive up to Genting, I can stop by your place also to see yours....a great cultural exchange...reminds me of the social weekend both Sporean and Msian PMs had yesterday... Yeah, a few are pretty challenging, seafan, the big red one, i recently decommisioned it from my tank as one branch is persistently being stuck with some algae then i cant get rid off, as for the gorgonians, they have been pretty resistant to this phenomenon and no traces of pest weeds on them... turtle weeds, i have only managed to keep them for months before they turn white, i really not sure why, as for the other macroalgae, have been pretty successful so far Seahorse, yeah...they have great problems with the high currents, but i am thinking of keeping pipefishes and seahorses in my clam tank now...no tunze streams in there.... but seahorses need something to latch their tails, which i dun want them to use the clams as anchors...so maybe just pipefishes... anyway, great to see you in this forum, besides my tank, you should seriously ask our forum founder Achilles Tang to show you his tank when you are here as well as recommend other show-worthy tanks.. Mine not up to that standard yet....but i definitely welcome you guys from across the causeway
  14. roidan


    actually when they mean 20 000hours..probably it means 20 000hours non stop operation..... our on-off lighting schedules will shorten the 20000hours considerably.....even with those preheat ballast from osram, the damage is still there everytime we restrike the tube, just that it reduces the damage....not eliminate so their 20000hrs is actually much less in our practical on-off usage
  15. yeah...the best is have a few kinds ...so that all wun crash at the same time if it happens...hehehe no prob bro sjsheng
  16. the 2nd and 3rd pic algae i still using.... and also the sea lettuce.... all these havent crash in my experience
  17. red grapes out of my algae list liao...coz even though they are less prone to crashes like their green cousins.....they still do from time to time.. so i took them out of my list...i will pass blenny some other types...
  18. sure no problem.... when your new tank comes and return me the stuff....then i can pass u some to you...then no need come all the way just for the weeds...hehehe i run them reverse photoperiod
  19. yeah...there are many great uses of a sump tank..for those building new tanks...remember to include one
  20. haha..yeah man.. those pics were actually from my 4ft tank sump last time...but i post for the benefit of bro sjsheng to let him see what kinda macroalgae i use..hehe now, i already picked 3 types of macro algae as my chief exporters in my sump tank...hehe...all of them growing profusely under my T5 lights....i feel so happy plucking some other weeds out periodically, meaning those nitrates were really absorbed into these building masses of weeds...
  21. can buy some species of macroalgae from LFS.....some macroalgae comes with the liverock we buy...hehe
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