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Everything posted by roidan

  1. hehe...bro ah..the oceanfree 9000 flow at 6ft is how much ah....can see the box and let me know?
  2. yeah..and if you notice....even amongst the recommended pumps..there is slight difference if you go do some searching about the flow rates and head losses of those pumps.... i actually wanted to get the little giant 4md...there is a company that brings in this pump.... Bay Pneumatics at Kaki Bukit Industrial Park.. I called them up but the guy answering the phone wasn't really helpful on the other end...i guess they do not have this model of little giant pump also...not sure...anyway, his tone really put me off..
  3. i set my water level to where the manual said, at the top of the internal mixing box..meaning you shouldnt set the water level at the foam tower bottom even.... but because most of us use non pressure rated pumps.....we end up cleaning the foam tower more than cleaning the collection cup...although foam does rise all the way up at times.... in a bid to make the stuff collect at the cup....i guess some of we guys here turn the gate valve to increase the height of the water in the foam tower where actually we are not supposed to.... when you set the water level higher using the gate valve....it actually affects the mixing....ie...affects the way and fierocity that the water jet hits the water in the mixing chamber.... i go and try these few days..if performance really improve...i let you aquaC users know again
  4. i think all aquaC users must relook at the pumps they are using.... go see all the recommended pumps for your model and then go and see the basic flow rate of the recommended pumps at 0 head loss.... and then go and see your manual to see your aquaC injector head simulates how much head loss... for my ev240, the injector actually creates a head loss of 6ft! so really must use pressure rated pumps....little giant 4MD produce less than 4000 litres/hr at 0 head...but yet can sustain around 3000 litres/hr at 6ft... my current laguna pump produce 4750 litres/hr at 0 head..but yet only flow out 500 litres/hr or LESS at 6ft height. wah liew...guys ...better change your pump to improve your skimming perfomance
  5. Think i made a pump selection mistake for my aquaC ev240.... the ev240 recommended pumps are Sen 900 Mag Drive 1200 Little Giant 4 MD Iwaki 40 RLT Mak 4 Just take Little Giant 4MD, it produce 3000 litres/hour at 6ft head.... my current Laguna Utility 5 produce 4750 litres/hour at 0ft head..but when you actually see 6ft head flow rate at the box...it is barely 500 litres/hour... wah liew....tomorrow i must try a pump that produce around 3000 litres/hour at 5 to 6 ft head liao... really jialat....have been using the wrong pump... i can't wait to see the foam produced by the stronger pump...
  6. wah..the interior of the lexus looks like controls from a spaceship
  7. last time there was a bulk order lor.... yeah...all 3 MHs are 150W...me dun have the knowledge and expertise to step into SPS land yet, so not using higher powered ones..hehe
  8. can lah...the actinic just for our own shiokness as well as before the MHs start their lighting schedule...to allow the corals to wake up slowly to the light..hehe I used ATI tube and its parabolic reflector and waterproof endcaps ballast i used Osram Quicktronic
  9. mounted it on my hood bro...it is an open top hood...but i mounted it on the back wood.... only 1 tube used...54watts..meant for 4ft size....so i mount it leaving 1foot space on each end lor..hehe good ah..me giving you new ideas liao..hehe
  10. actually got 3...one is on the left slightly up the slope...hehehe can't bear to part with them leh...i really love them alot ...took me some time to find them also....i love red/pink corals
  11. partly....it is semi dusk liao...both left and right MH are off... only the T5 Blue Plus and center MH...
  12. hehe... but its great that you wife loves clams...then you can leave the clam buying to her and use your finance resources for other aspects of the system
  13. some pics of my tank today...heng nothing left me for the other world.... sorry guys..the pics abit on the long side....hehe
  14. thanks bro.... really appreciate your kind words..hehe did she get to see the spawning photos? the whole tank was MILKY at its peak sia..i think around 4am.... maybe you can even put the clam tank outside the house under sunlight? thats the best light you can give to clams...
  15. yeah...hehe... wah..your maximas very nice nice..hehe clams spawn coz either stress or the socalled act of nature... in fact i read that in clam farming....they purposely induce spawning... by raising temperature of the clams...Gonad extract....or Serotonin and the clams may spawn due to this trigger... even i guess doing massive water change will make the clams spawn..hehe i worried today wake up all the clams i can use fry oyster omelette liao..hehe but heng i test the water still ok..nonetheless did some water change also. so i can claim the honour of the taking the first clam spawning in here? ....yeeepee
  16. yah man...sigh..... its 4 inches tall...din want to take the bigger ones.... boss, you got see the clam spawning series of pics in this thread or not? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=7509&st=1665 me last night worried like mad
  17. after the clams spawn...and the gorgonians doing ok....i feel like trying this...notorious for being hard to keep unless there is abundance microlife in the water.... and i was thinking...will it help absorb more gamettes during the next spawn so that the skimmer can work less hard? hmmm...
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