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Everything posted by roidan

  1. easy bro.. salifert... very good in almost all of its kits
  2. according to bro macro... 2 years old...maybe you should change the probe after buying
  3. item for my co2 system.. Swagelok fine metering needle valve, B-SS4..chose this one because of the good reviews of it in the net..... “The valve is fantastic, allowing me total extremely fine control over my CO2 flow rate. I can wind the rate from about 1 bubble every 5 minutes, to about 4-5 bubbles a second, linearly, if the inlet pressure remains constant. Changing the inlet pressure allows me a greater control range.” “The S series is not designed for shutoff service. The handle has ben placed on the shaft to bottom out and prevent the needle from going lower than a specified level. That level corresponds to about 5 bubbles/second with 12 psi across the valve. You will probably have to loosen the set screw and move the valve back 1/8 inch to go to lower flow rates. I have lowered mine to the 1/2 bubble /sec range, with 12 psi across each valve. (remember I have two in series with 24 psi across the pair). I could go lower, but its not needed. What I really like is the ease of control. For instance, I had 0.6 bubbles/sec. I added 1/4 turn to each valve, and the flowrate increased to 0.8 bubble/second. No other needle valve can do that.”
  4. this kind seems stiffer than my stringy type but less stiff than the chaeto.. somewhere in between.....another species..hehe
  5. haha.. if i ever buy...and if you can ever catch it while it is in the main tank... you can have the whole tank...
  6. maybe more sia... anyway, conclusion is not to buy that firefish
  7. you are right bro...probably that's what i will keep.. <no fish, prawn also good>....
  8. was thinking of the clam tank..but that means i must cover it up with netting....no point leh...then cannot see the clams from above clearly also... think my mind winning the battle over the heart for this issue... better dun go PR these few days to see them
  9. yeah..the boisterous swimming of tangs will scare them.... but cannot leh...i love tangs and my anthias sigh..not fated to have these firefish...maybe just get the cheaper purple firefish next time
  10. yeah lor.. i wonder if those at PR are as vibrant as these photos i posted...hmm.. better not make a trip there, wait really buay tahan yeah lor....can even buy 2 black tangs as i said....at least black tang can swim here and there whole day and can see...this one wait go hiding..only come out a short while..then waste money liao
  11. my first skimmer when i started this hobby 2 over years back... nostalgic for me sia
  12. bro.... very short and cute the CR...hehehe and hor..ever think of making the screws of the top cap into part of a clockwork? got 12 screws or not? alot of screws to open when you want to refill media...hehee
  13. haha...bro..u damn idea.. might as well..i insert a small magnetic pellet into the fish and then whenever i want to see it, i use a superpower magnet to pull the fish wherever it is to stick to the glass so that i can see it.....
  14. that will never be the case, no sps paradise in my tank....
  15. yeah hor... in that case for bros like you...i must make a pay-per-view gallery for all classified stuff....lol
  16. bro deepblue: but still can't reconcile the fact with my logic that if buy the pair, can buy 2 more black tangs u know.... hehe...
  17. still cant bear to part with such amounts for it....somemore not a fish that can be seen in open water whole day long... really must think carefully...lol
  18. hehe..copyright idea..maybe patent it then i go sell the idea...lol... *classified*
  19. generally brains like these are quite hardy..hmm... usually they do not do well coz of high nitrates..but i think your nitrates are low enough right? hmm... really cannot tell...how about lighting?
  20. maybe just a weakened specimen by the time you bought it....
  21. not mine bro..pic off the net.. Helfrich's Firefish PR selling..but costs an arm and leg for each...let alone a mated pair actually it is not the price but the fact that i scared put inside end up have to spend hours trying to spot it afterwards.... hmmm......maybe give it a pass lah hor...
  22. may wanna add this to my system... 1 line for dosing kalkwasser... 1 line to feed the calcium reactor.. 1 line to feed my anthias hmm.....
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