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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by roidan

  1. yeah...go for those mega reef design...and make our reefs here look like nano tanks please really man, go for the largest when you are there, definitely wun regret...even if it's just empty with rocks and fishes, would be a sight to behold already yeah..the hawaiian theme is definitely cool ....with a moorish in there....even better
  2. chevron junior is probably the only red tang around in its juvenile-intermediate stage....unless u are using flame angel to get a red fish in the tank..hehe yeah..you are very right also...yellow tang is almost definitive in a marine tank...blue tang also, especially for tanks with black background...the blue tang stands out gee...so many tangs to consider... soon you will think of upgrading
  3. my suggestion is....black, achilles and chevron
  4. yeah...then your black tang can roam the tank just like henry's one.... a place of his own ....haven
  5. night time newsflash: still no ich reporting....will not let guard down
  6. hmm... that sounds scary...
  7. terry: haha.... yeah..quite free at selective times of the day...when i am busy...i am really busy money wise, i shall not comment lah...lots of rich blokes in here if you see a black tang that you feel can take it up to my yellow tang....let me know...i wanna grab...lol...the only black tang that i can think of now is henry's one, i am sure it would be an interesting sparring match kidding lah..probably will not risk another zebrasoma getting bullied by yellow tang again as bro deepblue advised
  8. i have 3...one orangey red...one red...another red/green ... hope they dun rip....i love pratas
  9. not sure leh... alot of factors to consider actually size wise this AT junior very good and nice...give me a choice to choose the biggie AT and this one at the same time, i will pick this junior probably... sigh..now got feelings for the biggie also...if he knows i am favouring the junior more now...he sure jealous
  10. thanks bro... from an evo fan to another evo fan
  11. no lah..wun. achilles junior wun be able to fend off the yellow bully tang in there other plans for it
  12. yeah... an achilles junior.... prof X always in this tank because this tank is in my room....using it as holding tank also to monitor newcomers....
  13. morning report... no ich yet just fed it a cube of mysis
  14. hehe...yeah..u gotta strike a balance lor...coz too slow also not good...why? u may ask.. because if the flow rate is too slow, you can probably kill those parasites that go into the chamber very well...but the rest of the tank are full of parasites that are multiplying and hasn't been sucked by the pump into the chamber too fast a flow rate or too slow also not good... hope that your uv unit has a recommended flow rate suggested no problem..you are welcome
  15. yeah...coz if the flow rate is faster, the killing power of the uv decreases .. the slower the flow rate..the greater the kill rate.. just imagine...an crawling insect moving slowly through a fire...compared to a flying insect flying throught the same fire.... the flying insect has a higher chance of survival since it enters and leaves the fire faster wat we want is to make sure the water that enters the uv chamber gets exposed to uv as much and as long as possible to make sure that the stuff get killed before coming out...no point sending the parasites in and out of the chamber for a mild suntan if the flow rate is too fast
  16. i think it's shipping stress and not your fault bro... they are quite sensitive yumas also
  17. you gotta judge...cos too fast a flow will render the uv pretty useless also... this is a graph from my coralife turbotwister.... probably not as effective as what the graph depicts...but just for your reference
  18. u say red yuma mah...so immediate that kind of yuma flash to my mind liao..hehe but yours also not too bad lah...at least got some red isolated spots
  19. hehe..ok lah...the yuma..quite nice i tot were the bright red/pink yumas...hehee
  20. take your red yuma leh..tat's another nice thing to exchange for deepblue's entry pass
  21. must offer your moon coral to deepblue for entrance pass
  22. haha..nice lehhh.. my one not so green one....so nice the greens
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