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Everything posted by roidan

  1. wah liew...super big...can be X tang also... JUGGERNAUT or COLOSSUS
  2. wah liew...u wanna buy so many sohals for wat? SOS ah? school of sohals?
  3. yeah.....his one really one of its kind... but dun worry..now that you say your sohal's size...i think it can be close to weileong's one when its bigger...got potential remember to notify me on friday ah
  4. wah..the sohal not bad...but not siding weileong..i think his one slightly nicer...hehehe but at least yours look nicer than mine
  5. thanks neighbour from a few blocks away have fun planning your new tank
  6. eh bro..not i found the nice coral.. the nice coral found me
  7. wah liew..u say until like dat... anyway..let's celebrate deepblue passing the century mark of his thread
  8. haha..weileong my tank nothing to show off..humble tank compared to the real experts who keep quiet in here..deepblue's one is nice and alot of corals...mine quite normal as you saw that day....tangs are fat...tat's probably all that's nice with my tank
  9. at least its clear from the pics that you have been doing things right for the stuff to maintain at this standard......as i always say..pics tell a thousand words.... your tank is as disney as mine....let's call yours the warner bros tank
  10. your tank near peak form liao.... no need much input from other reefers liao .. i think other reefers need your input more
  11. told you in pm liao..hehe tat's why i said i din find the lobang...the lobang found me
  12. hehe.. very CHIO!!!! today i got a new addition to my tank that will make u reminisce..hehehe
  13. wah bro...now i see why u said that those we saw got hope..hehe
  14. already got queue liao...i think you quite far behind in the queue anyway..not easy to propagate it
  15. haha..now that is a red/pink yuma... not i find the lobang...the lobang found me in other words...some nice bro here was selling ....approached me directly
  16. tahir... fish with ich u mean..not itchy fish... sorry i couldnt stop thinking the solution is to scratch the fish jokes aside...u have limitations because of your reef tank.... either u net it out and try the many solutions suggested in here or the net... or try some reef safe solutions..do a search on ich or whitespot u should churn out results
  17. his tiger is crouching....his dragon is hiding mah
  18. wah..where is woonming the ricordia propagation expert... can make huge money liao...forget about other products
  19. my spatial ability is indeed very low
  20. yeah man...i think last time also got a discussion on whether we should release details of those aeroplane fliers.. gee...money involved is one thing...but the disappointment and frustration is something not easily settled
  21. Hybrid Achilles Goldrim Tang Acanthurus achilles x Acanthurus nigricans Seldom seen in the hobby, this is a rare hybrid of Acanthurus achilles "Achilles Tang" and Acanthurus nigricans "Gold Rim Tang". http://www.themarinecenter.com/tanghybrid.htm Hybrid Achilles Goldrim Tang Acanthurus achilles x Acanthurus nigricans Seldom seen in the hobby, this is a rare hybrid of the Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus leucosternon, and the Gold Rim Tang Acanthurus nigricans. Like most hybrids it fares better than either of its parents. http://www.themarinecenter.com/tanghybridpowderblue.htm
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