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Everything posted by Earth

  1. I got a resun already, so arctica is good to go now Give me a reasonable price and chiller can be collected.
  2. Uppzz... Price negotiable for serious buyer
  3. sure, no problem. their diet consist of various pellets, brine shrimp/ mysis, flakes and sometimes ocean nutrition sponges
  4. Am joking about the clairon bro, i would rather spend that $ in a new tank btw, small Africanus just went to heaven today as expected... Yours eyes failed u again, i have only 1 asfur. the other one is maculosus
  5. I would think regular water change is still the best option for our heavily loaded tanks...
  6. I think i added the 2nd smaller queen and the small king almost at the same time. Luckily the big queen didn't feel too irritated by them I think your chance of adding the blue is slim unless the blue is much bigger than the two resident angels now. Just my opinion, anyone else like to comment?
  7. Anyone selling the above chillers (1/10 hp or equivalent preferred) pls pm me. pls indicate the age/ condition and price u want to sell too.
  8. I got the above for sale at $600. I am the 2nd owner of this chiller but it is still under 2 years warranty from JBJ till October 2009 (original purchase invoice and warranty card is with me) Pls pm me if you are keen. By the way, i need to have a replacement chiller before i can let u collect the Arctica. So anyone selling Resun or Hailea chiller pls pm me too.
  9. bro, take your time to observe a fish before u buy, it really depends on luck and quality of the new fish when u have new additions. But then again, if your tank is not big enough, your luck will be reduced in hoping that there will be no aggression from existing angels to new ones.
  10. Nope, your eyes are alright to be able to see 2 africanus. but on the other hand your eyes missed the 2 queens. don't think the small africanus can make it for long as it's not feeding well...
  11. I have already made a booking from somewhere in the west and once it arrive the bill will be sent to u
  12. bro, I probably will stock a goldflake as the last angel and that will be it... it's really luck that i can put in all of them without much fight. if u are free drop by my office and i can share the long grandfather story with u..
  13. what's the algae scrubber actually and why can't u keep more fishes without that?
  14. Try to take some close up shots but the fishes were too fast so that's why the blurred pics:
  15. Since u so touched, buy me a clairon angel to show your appreciation
  16. Baby very fragile lei... will be scared to death by the other giants! Think Sealife still got 1 baby africanus.. Those who are good with babies can check them out
  17. Both are from Sealife... They always bring in..
  18. I got another juv africanus, look at pic no. 1 Come back to fowlr lah, with your 702 will be great!
  19. And finally, I want to thank bro angellove in helping to get my tank back in shape and also with the rock scape!
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