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Everything posted by Earth

  1. Finally completed my shifting of corals back home last night... It was a back breaking experience...
  2. the aquablue special tube is actually more to white colour...
  3. For lights I am using ati 2 tubes aquablue special, 1 blue plus and 1 true actinic. Total of 4 tubes
  4. Don't say that lah bro.. haha... still alot of gems there, am now eyeing the prata with green dots... I also saw a damn red (think its a lobo) coral there which i felt was very nice... I thought you would have gotten that. Btw, your suggested project not possible lah, too high value and also tank no space liao...
  5. Forgot to ask you, any damages for you yesterday?
  6. I will try to get established ones instead as I did not have good experience with newly arrived rics. They just disappeared overnight. I remembered i spent $300 for a rock but never got a chance to see them open up...
  7. my priority is low bioload as my system is sumpless and i can't do much on filtration such as setting up refugum and etc.. Hence no tangs for me... mayb add a couple of small fishes that will do for me...
  8. I no confidence lei, ric not cheap lei bro...
  9. oic... opps.. got the wrong type...
  10. green brain with blue mouth...
  11. This small prata of mine was injured many times but never die on me... It just slowly recover from the injury and will be vibrant and fat soon
  12. I thought bubbles do not require strong light? I had bubbles before that lasted quite long and with their colours maintained. But unfortunately, they were attacked by flatworms and i got to remove them from my tank. This piece is new and I will see how long i can keep it..
  13. Can, but you must pay me rental for the prata at $200 per month..
  14. Got it from harlequin last coral shipment at cavan road...
  15. That's a new spot that I have placed it.. Its at the bottom with low flow. Will monitor and see if it is ok. By the way i just went AM to get Aquapharm 5-in-1 liquid coral food. Is that the one you are using? They don't have marine snow...
  16. GO Rocks came in big nice shapes. They will sink as there are holes to let water go into their body when u place them. I didn't glue them together. The base rocks are my old live rocks. Sponges were from Sealife. I don't think they can last long too, will update on how long they can survive..
  17. And all recent pics courtesy of my Nokia N82
  18. FTS from living room as at this morning
  19. this prata has been with me for a few months, but doesn't seem happy...
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