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Everything posted by shootsimon

  1. Hi all I have 5 chromis for trade. Offer me.
  2. Me no good with words lah. Better let you do the review. I'll just add abit here and there.
  3. . Schuran needs alot of tunning. Me still having had time figuring my jetskim 200 All the best for your new set up.
  4. Same here. Gave up using it. 2 bottles also not enough. Smaller tank maybe can. Hypo better but must monitor fish.
  5. So far so good. One way to counter if anyone face this problem. Go Ikea and get a small mirror and place it at a corner of your tank where its not obvious from your main view. The 6 line will be distracted by its own image and thus won't bother other fish. Am trying this myself and till now ok.
  6. Thanks sis & bro! Hey sis, how 's the "Leong Tao Hu" seaweed Hope your fishes lke them. Its just a matter of time for your tank to reach what you want. Like I said I only showed the nice part of it. The ugly part not being shown. Example the dead
  7. Guilty as charged Temptation kills Trying very hard to work on that. How about getting fish from reefers whom they have had the fish for a few months
  8. Anyone wants to share the sale? I'll pay $25 for these 2 corals.
  9. Sales Updates 1) Egg crate $2 per 10x10 sq (Need to quote size to see if have enough) 2) 2x Tetra Ph Test kits $5 each (40 to 45 test left)collected 3) Yinsheng Salinity hydrometer $5 (quite accurate have checked against reflectometer)- collected 4) Floating hydrometer with thermometer $6 5) 2 x DIY durso pipe diameter 30mm $5 each- 1 reserved 6) 2 x Rio 600 l/hr pump $5 each Buy both for $8-collected 7) Big Boy 8000 3 speed 2 outlet air pump $8 (less than 2 months) 8) 2ft FL Arcadia HO sunlight tube $15 (spare used less than 10 hrs) 9) 3 x 3ft FL Arcadia HO sunlight tube $10 each (used for 6 months on planted tank) 10) 2 x 3ft FL tube Mitsibitshi white light $10 each (New kept as spare tube) 11) 1kg dried seaweed $12- 500g collected 12) 4x 4ft industrial light housing w 2x FL tube $12 each set (Good for those who wants to DIY own lights) 13) New & washed 10kg grade 0 sand $6reserved, washed & dried 10kg grade 2 sand collected
  10. Ok that's all for today. Hope to hear comments from all of you. Have a confession to make. Both my BTs are gone due to ich. Lesson learned is to QT any fish first B4 introducing them into main tank and off course water parameter must be suitable/stable. Coral beauty also gone due to ich My algea blenny also gone but dunno due to what. Maybe due to my recent rescape My watchmen globy think died due to ozone. Was doing fine and eating before ozone operation. Have stopped buying fish untill my water para is more stable.
  11. Last 2 of my LS the, ???? anamone with purple dot at the tip and another leather
  12. Some smaller numbers of zoos from the main bunch hopping it will spread. Will it?
  13. Here's my hammer, green tip too. With some normal zoos
  14. My green tip anamone with both my yellow and white stripe maroon clowns.
  15. Here's some close up of my LPS. Please correct me if named them wrongly. This is my bubble. Full size about 8" by 6". This pix is not full size yet. Will capture when it's full size again.
  16. Too bad u sold your seagrass filefish if not lahgi best
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