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Everything posted by shootsimon

  1. Hi Darryl. I need these 1/2 feet Rainbow Light (Day light) --- $10 (bought at $15) Clip-on Light ( Blue Antic Light ) --- $2 Let me Know if buyer change his mind
  2. Hi sis, so sad to hear that Well I can help you keep these( I mean I'll clear these for you) - Green Prata $20 - Brown Cynarina $15 - Orange firegoby $5 - Coral Life Salt $40 - Aquapharm 5-in-1 Coral Food Pro-series Sea Plankton$12 Let me know if still available
  3. Here's another pict of my old 2 ft. Was still using under gravel. Know nuts about DSB, sump etc. Even had a heater in the tank . Office aircon too cold. At times water tempreture down to 24 degrees. Was using cannister filter and top up with mineral water daily. Looking back was like dam blur man Don't even know about SRC. All thanks to Bros in SRC that I was able to embark to my current tank
  4. Ya ya papaya Me leaving soon. Bloody @#$%^& client cannot aprrove ad.
  5. Here's a pict of them when they were still in my offfice 2 ft tank
  6. The bite can bleed but still ok. Its just normal reaction as she is defending her territory. Just be careful. My bicolor blenny too will attack me when my hands are near her. But not as painful as the clown. Don't sell it too fast lah. You might get the less aggressive female. Just observe her for a while. I feel that Maroon clowns looks nicer compare to true percs. Its nice having them around. Missed mine already. You still in the office? Me in advertising. Still rushing some F@#$%^ ads now.
  7. The female yellow stripe almost 3" and the male white stripe only 2"
  8. Nice tank you have here bro. Noticed that your probe is immersed fully below water level. You might want to consider leaving only the probe tip in the water and the wire part above water level. Think its safer that way so won't have leakage
  9. Is that a Schuran Jetskim 200 in your sump? If yes welcome come to the schuran family if not still welcome you to the never ending spending hobby Interesting sump you have there. Any chiller in mind and where you plan to place it ???
  10. Nice pair of maroons but beware that they will be agressive towards other clowns. Used to have a pair too as seen in my avatar. Mine was very aggeassive to other clowns despite my tank has enough room for others to hide but still kanna wack upside down. They been with me for about 1.5 yrs but than the female decided to part with the male by killing him. Had no choice but to give her away. Btw she even bites my hands whenever my hands are in the tank Managed to dig out this picts of them housing in the green tip anemone Nice Tank BTW are you in advertising?
  11. you so bad, peep at my front right side bros! Still long long way to go man
  12. Last pict for the day Tank with T5 aquatic lights only
  13. Inside right Need to pump up the coraline growth. My LRs too ugly liao
  14. Blue pokka dot mushies Quite small compared to the orange one. Hope they'll expand to that size.
  15. Back to some more mushies. My orange mushy beside one of my metallic green.
  16. Almost forgotten this. My carpet anemone. Crossing my finger that it'll remain at this spot.
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