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Everything posted by cyclop

  1. I started weaning my clowns and other fish with the small floating type of pellets. I also try flakes and freeze dried brine shrimps. Now my clowns eat almost everything - including fresh chopped prawns & fish. If your clowns do not eat well, try weaning them with life brine shrimps/artemia. They should love them. If they don't, do check the quality of the water.
  2. Agree with Gouldian!!! If you want to have better "chi" in your bedroom do try to avoid having your fishs tank there. Can't explain why but learned from experience.
  3. Derek, Welcome to this fascinating hobby. I am wondering whether you have tried other fishes for a start. Starting with angels and tangs is quite a challenge, especially with a relatively new tank. Your beautiful dead corals will not be the same over time - they will look like the live corals too. Now that you've already got the majestic and sailfin, both of which need alot of grazing on live rocks, do observe and watch their appetite. If they are eating heartily they are fine. That would be a very good indication of their condition and well-being. If not, do not be dishearten - restart with something easier and more manageable. With experience you will be an expert one day. All the best!
  4. There's another lfs near Reborn, at corner of Race Course Rd (but canniot remember the name) that had clams some time ago - small and big. Not too sure whether they still have them now. People there a bit turned off because business not very good.
  5. Use SRC Easy Converter to calculate the capacity of your tank. One pail is more than enough for your tank. In fact, enough to spare for future use. Reborn's prices are reasonable, but there will be a bit of parking problem if you drive. You might have to end up taking a cab - that adds to cost. Otherwise take MRT to Boon Keng Station and walk (lugging the almost 20 kg pail of salt home)
  6. How you go there depends on where you live. For those from the East, there is a direct bus No. 25 that brings you to Serangoon North. The bus stop is just after Yio Chu Kang Rd Junction and beside a Mosque ( It's nearer than taking MRT whic goes a big round). For those from the West it's easier to take a bus from AMK MRT - Nos. 25, 132, 155, 74, 165 from the same side as MRT(refer to bus guide for the right bus-stop to alight, and then cross the overhead bridge). Taking a bus from Serangoon MRT will be more complex as you will need to find your way to the shop. I just wonder why you want to go to Petmart as they do not have any marine fish. They do sell freshwater fish, reef supplements, fish food and equipments though. There are many other pet shops and fish shops in that area. There is only one lfs selling marine fish. but look at the price first. Happy shopping!
  7. I have 3 regal tang and all doing fine. I started off with one and was having problems with ich. Somehow, it survived a few bouts of ich. I fed it with garlic soaked seaweeds. The seaweeds I use are those sold in packs (70cts/pack), not those sold in fishshops which are far more costly. I cut them up into small bits (take some trouble and time doing so). Later I bought 3 baby regal tangs (1 inch) because they were very cute. One died. Now the other two are almost as big as my old one and are always fighting. Tangs love seaweeds and they eat alot of them. All I did was to soak some seaweeds in garlic, vitamin or plain water and sprinkle them into the tank. If they do not go for them at first try mixing them with their normal food. Once they start feeding on them it's a joy to watch them. Most books and lfs recommend tying seaweeds or vegetable to rocks. I tried that at first but found that they eat very little. They eat much more seaweeds from they way I feed them. Now I just sprinkle some dry cut-up seaweeds into the tank during feeding time and the will snap up every bit of them. It is true they are not easy to keep in tank unless they are introduced together. They fight a lot - even the babies do it. So if you want to start get 2 or 3 together, not just one. Create lots of hiding places for them. One thing worth noting is that from my personal experience, I discovered that everytime I fed my fish with chopped prawn meat (from the market) the tang were badly infected by ich. I cannot explain why and how it happened, but it was too coincidental. It happened all the time. My latest casualty was my Achilles Tang in my reef tank.
  8. Understand your love for tangs as they are real beauties. Kept them myself but failed with powder blue and AT. Both succumbed to white spots. AT is especially sensitive to white spots and need high quality water. Yellow tangs are pretty hardy. Decide carefully on what you want to have in your tank first and then try your best to have them at the same time. Otherwise, get the less aggressive and smaller ones first and the bigger ones later. Introducing new fish later will be a problem as they will be bullied by the more established ones. Also, you would need to create sufficient "hiding places" with rocks, just in case some fish would need them. They all have "territories" and will guard them well. Hope you will have a beautiful marine tank in which you fish will be healthy and happy.
  9. It's nice to have lots of beauutiful fish in your tank, but I'm afraid you are going for far too many in a 3ft tank. You will only have a "battle field" where only the fittest will survive. The Angels will enjoy eating up whatever corals you have in the tank. Do find out more about "compactibility" of fish and other creatures in marine tanks before stocking you tank. By doing so you will save $$$$$$$$ and have less stress. If I am not wrong, you are not new in this hobby. You joined SRC in August 2004.
  10. Granted. Your wish will remain only a wish forever unless........... I wish that everyone will not just keep on making wishes but also do something to make them come true.
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