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Everything posted by cyclop
The shrimp meat is the culprit!!!!
BH what you just mentioned are exactly the different levels of interest of people indulging in this hobby. Everyone has different priorities. No matter what, reefing is still a "hobby"and should be regarded as such. As long as this hobby serves to enrich and enhance lives (not otherwise), it does not really matter "which one are we". SRC is a wonderful platform that brings people together. People who share a common interest. Regardless of which level of interest we belong it would make life more pleasant by being tolerant and respectful of each other's differences. To quote kschew1498 : For me, Reefing is a form of past-time and a break from other more serious concerns. I do learn a lot from our more experienced friends - that's bonus for me!
What's over is over. Dwelling on the past will not do anyone any good. So, LET'S MOVE ON!
I'm sure all of us would agree that AT has done a great service to local reefers by starting a forum webpage to promote "Reefing". It was by no mean an easy task. More so, when he has had dedicated a lot of effort, time and money doing so. I would think that he has in fact made a very good contribution to our community and towards the conservation of marine life. Contribution to our community? Encouraging youngsters to indulge in this hobby, which is fascinating as well as challenging is keeping them purposefully occupied. Actually, we can think of many more plus factors......but, I'll make it short to leave the rest to your own reflection. Conservation of marine life? Yes, because through the forums more people learn about how to care for fish, corals, etc. As a result, they would understand and appreciate the efforts of those who have been trying so hard to protect and conserve them. Some might argue that by keeping marine fish at home we are contributing to their destruction! Not to worry - whatever we have in our tanks are not the endangered species. AVA makes sure we don't. Now, the question of "Are we ready to move on?" Certainly you are!!! But we need not make any drastic changes to what we are having now, which is serving AT's original "dreams" and "ideals" very well. More any more (myself included) are becoming members of SRC - to learn more about reefing. Besides, SRC covers a wide and varied range of topics for discussion, including KOPITIAM . This also helps bring people closer and friendship has developed and flourished. Sadly, "quite a few friendships have been strained and broken too". Those of you who are "older" and "wiser" can always start a new thread for higher and more advanced levels of discussion. It can be name "Expert Reefers' Domain", etc. I'm sure AT will be more than happy to accommodate and encourage such an initiative. In doing so, WE, the novices, will also not be deprived of the opportunity to learn more from our more experienced friends. Who knows, one day we may also join you at the "Expert Reefers' Club". AT deserves commendation for Community Service. Of course, that was and has never crossed his mind.
Madmac, that is indeed a profound explanation about creation. I am impressed by the way you are able to rationalise creation and link science and the creations of God so succinctly. I am convinced that : "Indeed, all of science cannot deviate from faith and faith cannot deviate far from science and logic as this is a God who neither deceives nor be deceived. Truth cannot contradict truth. So while faith is above reason, there is no discrepancy btw them because the things of faith and the things of this world derive from the same God." I have found God and have complete faith in him. It's just that there are many things preached by some religious representatives that I cannot simply accept as the "truth" - unquestionable truth. What you explained do strike a harmonious chord with what I believe in. Maybe, we are just heading for the same destination in different ways. Thanks Mac.
Interesting indeed. Let's hope they are not finding a "good way" to get him off the hook!!!!
Thanks Kokhui, I really appreciate your response. I do believe in "Faith" and that with it many wonderful things can and had happened. Maybe, I'll need some kind of Divine revelation to give me to give me the Faith to "believe" without an iota of doubt. What I touched on was a very sensitive issue and I do not really wish to be embroiled in any long drawn discussion. I was just thinking aloud.
Madmac, based on what you had expounded about "Good and Evil", you are far from being Mad..... You are certainly very well versed in the Bible to be able to make appropriate references to support what you explained. One thing I have always been wondering is : How is it possible for anyone to know so much about the first man & woman (Adam & Eve), and even about the world before them. I am not being disrespectful in any way. But, honestly, I just couldn't figure that out and I am still seeking the answers. The trouble with me is that being a "science person" I need tangible evidences to be convinced. Nonetheless, I always keep an open mind to learn more from others.
Jem, It's only 70 cents a round pack and can last a long time. The SGR thread below will show you the picture. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=35365&st=15
The type I am using is not Nori but those for making soup. Not so nice as nori. I don't have to boil them. I cut alot ready for use any time. So far, it's very safe because my 1in baby blue tangs are now 3ins.
I use the cheapest type bought from the market or medical shops - 1 round pack for 70cents. All I did was to cut them up to suitable sizes so that the fish can just peck and swallow them. Soaked them in garlic juice and then feed them in small amounts. Now I mixed the seaweeds with other food, e.g. chopped fish meat, cyclopeez, daphnias, vitamin, etc.
Have you tried seaweeds? Tangs cannot resist them. Cut the seaweeds into smaal bite size, soak them with garlics juice and feed them a bit at a time. For a start just try a little first and observe.
Be patient! What we saw was only the tip of a big iceberg. Everything will be "surface" and taken care of systematically. Just wait and see. What had happened is only the prelude of more to come.
Sorry, I made a typo mistake: The below should read: Treat your wife/GF as No. 1 and the Reef tank No. 2 and you will have the best of two worlds. ( the word "other" should be deleted otherwise it mean having "another wife" which is not what I want to imply.
Lester I like your joke!!! In fact it has helped me to see "love" in a simpler way. That is : Treat your other half like your corals and marine fish - care for them, nourish them, pamper them, show your concern and take good care of them to make sure they are happy and well, give them the best food etc. so that they are always bright and beautiful. YOu don't have to give up your beautiful reef tank. Being a Reefer you already have all the right qualities. Treat your other wife/GF as No. 1 and the Reef tank No. 2 and you will have the best of two worlds.
According to the dictionary, Love means "warm liking or affection; affectionate devotion" - that's all!! But, to maintain and nourish the "Love" between two persons (a man and a woman) it needs a lot of mutual faith, trust, understanding and respect. "Mutual" meaning two ways. If a person comes to a stage when he/she faces the dilemma of having to choose as you have mentioned as follows.......: What's yr choice? How FAR wld u go to trust the other half? - wld u trust the other half completely?without a doubt? - wld u choose to turn a blind eye and take things at surface value? - wld u pretend to trust tat somebody n be with him/her,but do spot checks behind their backs? ......something has gone wrong somewhere. Something must have happened that cause the other partner to lose trust, faith in him/her. That is not the main issue. What is most important is: What caused the suspicion? If it from heresay, gossips, rumours then your trust and faith in your other half is questionable. It shows that you trust others more than him/her. Is that right? Is that fair to him/her? If you trust her enough ignore them. If you feel that "There no smoke without fire", find out the truth yourself. If something has happened, pretending to trust him/her will not do anybody any good. It will only prolong the agony and might lead to something worse. If you lose your trust for you other half over something trivial, it show how much you really love him/her. Just ask yourself - would you have made the same mistake, are we so perfect that we won't do any wrong? With true love and good communication, nothing should go wrong!! Otherwise, we should also ask ourself what is it that we have done or not done that has caused the problem. DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert in such affairs. What I mentioned are purely my own opinions, based on my own happy and blissful marriage for many years. Marriage is a "gamble" and I've won - not by luck but practising what I preached.
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
Now it's time to leave it to the authorities to take care of the Durai affair. Our Mission is accomplished!!! However, there is one big group of people who are going to suffer from the aftermath of the Durai saga. At the rate that people are withdrawing their donations, many of patients must be terribly worried and feeling, lost and hopeless. I'm sure we can instead help alleviate their miseries by assuring them that we are not punishing them, but always helping them. What we had done so far was purely to seek redress for them, so that more kidney sufferer can receive the help they need - didn't we? -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
XPeriment 626, I share your sentiments. Blinded by pass 2 successes in suing people and wilful intent to deceive and hide the truth he lost his sense of judgement...... , blundered and met his Waterloo. I also feel that everything could have been carefully orchestrated because what he did cannot be condoned. So, before anybody gets the wrong idea and think that they can do the same, the needful has to be done to put a stop to it - and it's done!!!! -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
I have a feeling that the whole episode will not just end here. Misusing public funds is a very grave misdeed and should be redressed accordingly. -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
mUAr_cHEe I thought you've gone straight!!!!!! And, you vouched that you'll never get involved in this thread anymore - Remember???? -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
Durai and the BOD has finally been compelled to resign. Of course, we all know that is it not over yet. There's a lot more to be done to clear up the long trail of mess and malpractices. We can be assured that the relevant authorities will do the necessary to uphold Singapore's reputation as a "clean city". The whole issue was about misdeeds of Durai and the BOD of NKF and others who may be indicted later, not NKF and the patients. Therefore, when the dust has settled and the mess cleared up, let's think of the plight and misery of all the kidney patients who need dialysis treatment desperately - let's continue to give them our love, concern and support. The Durai era is over!!!! I don't think there will ever be another repeat of what had happened. It will be history. Yes, we were all very, very angry, pissed, disgusted, #8@&*6@#@5#.............., and rightfully so. Lets' rejoice that People power has triumphed, and Justice prevails. Let's not forget the kidney patients who still need our support. -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
After dumping the durians. The area still stinks and must be disinfected and deodorised. Let's see who's doing the job of cleaning up the messsss..... and how soon. -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
The "durian season" is going to be over very soon - no doubts about it!!! It will be only a matter of time when more people will step in to scrutinise and examine the can of maggots very closely and destroy it before it the epidemic spreads further. No more durians. But, who cares!!! I never had any liking for durians anyway - it stinks. Sorry durian lovers. Hope for the next season you'll get something much better than D24. -
NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny
cyclop replied to koniyakutz's topic in General Reefkeeping_
We would also like to reiterate that you refrain from making any comments that are potentially unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially and religiously offensive. Community and political topics will be monitored closely and will be deleted if deemed inappropriate. Postings in Community, In The News and World Issues will be moderated due to the sensitivity of the issues discussed. And inactive topics in these Forums as well as Market Talk, will be removed after 14 days. All others will be taken out after a month. The above was taken from CNA forum page.