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Everything posted by cyclop

  1. I have tried most of those suggested by fellow reefers, but things does not seem to improve much. I removed much rocks to enhance circulation Could it be due to the depth of this "tall tank - 2.2ft deep" that i am encountering problems? I have another 3 ft tank (with overflow compartment and return pump) and things are better. In both tanks the fishes are fine.
  2. Well, it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round and round.
  3. I got rid of my crabs with a dottyback. The thread below might be helpful. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39775&st=0&#entry464038
  4. The easy way is mentioned by nakarozu. However, if you still wish to carry on with your way, it's definitely more time consuming. To get more juice, scrape it finely and then mesh it with a spoon in a fine sieve to squeeze out the juice. Fishes don't eat garlic bits they only take in garlic juice when it's mixed with fish food (pellets, seaweeds, chopped shrimps/fish meat, brine shrimps etc.). You can try preparing extra garlic juice and keep them in the freezer for future use, rather than doing it only when you feed you fish.
  5. Thanks nakaroku, That's what stumped me - "even mushies don't thrive well". As far as I know, mushies are very easy to upkeep. All my fishes are doing very well in this tank.
  6. May&Bruce, I'm using 2 power heads - SEO M620 and Jebao-JB1500. These are in addition to the return pump (quite powerful but not too sure of the capacity) Ervine, I was using a MH which came together with the tank as a package, together with two Coral Star YDW24-H Blue Moon Actinic lights (all in one set). I also had an Atman chiller. Blueheaven, Mine is an "overflow system". Yes, I think I'll need to redo the aquascaping like you suggested. My other 3 ft tank's flow seems to be fine although I do not have any extra powerheads. Perhaps, I should try to switch - keeping corals in the elongated 3ft tank, and FOWLR in the 2.5ft deep tank. I just tried putting some mushrooms in the 3ft tank and they seem alright so far. Thanks alot guys. I'll check it out and try things out based on your advices & see if things can improve.
  7. I need advice on how to maximise the water circulation in my L-2ft x W- 2ft x Ht - 2.5 ft reef tank. I have no problems with another FOWLR tank, but, somehow, the reef tank does not seem right. The fishes are ok, but even mushrooms do not seem to thrive well. I have a feeling that it could due to it's depth.
  8. Thanks, Loster. Will get someone to fix it.
  9. Answers: 1. Yes, but I think only the fan is running non-stop 2. No, the air is a little warm, hardly hot as it used to be. 3. I tried with a pail of water instead of the sump and no change in temperature at all. The thermostat is working because it does register changes in temperature. What then could be the problem? Looks like I'll need to get the chiller guy.
  10. I also have an Atman Chiller problem. It was running fine but a few days ago I noticed that the temperature indicated was going up instead of down. The set used to be quite hot when running, but no more so. There is , however, no error message on the LCD indicator. Need advice on what's wrong with my chiller. Could it also be thermostat problem?
  11. A student who can come up with that kind of calculations cannot fail exams, cos he's too smart. Good try!!
  12. CONGRATULATIONS Jaslyn. Wishing you and your bouncy baby the best of health!!
  13. My dottyback is about 3ins long (not 1.5ins as mentioned earlier). When I first bought it was about 2.5ins. If they are too small I dont' think they can be as effective in eliminating crabs.
  14. Two years relationship ended just over "cup size"? That's ridiculous!!!!!! This guy has rotten sense! Tell ur galfren that she should dump him and forget him for good, and tell him to go to Africa - there are lots of different sizes for him to choose. Ur galfren should consider herself luck to see his true colours now and not after they are married.
  15. Dottybacks are aggressive fishes. they are carnivores and love eating shrimps and other crustaceans. When crabs can be wiped out by them no shrimps will ever survive. They are very active and alert all the time - searching the rocks for food I think the bristle worms also disappeared. They are aggressive especially to those other fishes that look like them Sorry zehuan, too attached to it to part with it. Besides, it is hard to catch it from the tank as its always very alert and hides among the rocks. You can purchase them from most LFFs. i got mine from iwarna.
  16. Not too sure of it's name but it's not the colourful type (something like the Red Spotted Pseudochromis in the attached pic, but redish brown). Its' about 1.5ins long and looks fierce. When I first introduced it into my tank, it scoured the rocks to look for food and it's stomach always looked fat and filled. Then slowly the crabs disappeared. No way I can keep shrimps now. My lyretail anthias which tried to harrass it was badly injured and died instead. Otherwise, had not really killed other fish. My concern is that there are no more scavengers left in the tank to pick up left over food. That's why I was worried whether it's good for the reef system.
  17. hi kenny, i liked batfish too and tried keeping then many years ago. i even caught some baby batfish from the sea and reared them in my tank. what veliferium mentioned is very true - they don't take pellets or frozen food. i fed them with chopped fresh shrimp meat. it will also be a problem feeding them when they are kept with other fishes that eat faster. well, if you still keen on trying, by all means go ahead, but be prepared for the worse. it's better to have tried and learn from the experience than not to have tried at all. that's what reefing is all about, i suppose.
  18. I introduced a dottyback into my reef tank a few months ago because of the proliferation of crabs, worms, etc. It did a marvelous of "hunt and kill" among the life rocks as I often found empty crab shells. Now I do not see a single crab around and am pretty sure most of the worms are gone too. I am wondering whether that is good for the reef system as a whole. Now that the dottyback has accomplished it's mission what do I do with it - take it out and put it in another tank?
  19. Fully agree!!!!! ...I thought you already have a family??? SRC Kopi Tiam is a nice place for you to share your talents. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! Sorry
  20. Not really! Most fish food (pellets & flakes) do have the "blachan smell", because of prawn (shrimp) as one of the ingredients. If you store them properly and keep them dry they should not go bad. Otherwise, you get something "smelly" not just blachan smell. In fact, pellets and flakes are not stored properly, they will turn into powder form - when seen with a magnifying glass they are very tiny mite-like creatures and they smell like "blue ginger". Your cyclop-eezes in flake form could be mixed with other ingredients, not just cyclop-eezes.
  21. Lizard, didn't know that you suffered alot and insulted by those "silly gals". They are really too much to have done that to a nice man like you. Now I do understand how you feel and why you flipped to the "dark side". You are right that I've not gone thru that kind of experience at all. But, I'm not "young" as you might think. I've gone thru a lot in life -"sour, sweet, bitter & hot" (chinese translation) and I've grown from each bitter experience to be even stronger each time. In fact, they had helped me to see things in more positive light. Especially, seeing myself - what I am, my strengths as well as weaknesses. I developed my strengths and strengthened my weaknesses. Though I must admit that I am human and do still succumb to weaknesses every now and then. But, I'll never allow myself to be an "APPRENTICE of the DARK FORCE". Having seen many of your postings I did discern some sense of bitterness, but I thought they were only a some of your "jokes". After all, that's what we do at KOPI TIAM - having some fun and de-stress. Never knew you were serious! My apologies if I had mentioned anything unpleasant. I though we were all just having some clean fun.
  22. We can certainly learn from lizard44's experiences and advices. I'm not a "ter kor pek" so no way gals can do that 2 me . I'd rather spent my $$$$ 4 my own beloved wife and buy her all the expensive stuffs she wants.
  23. Wet - the frozen kind. Dry - Dry powder type (Whole Freeze dried). It smells fresh and very nice if properly stored and kept very dry (feels like eating it myself)
  24. $$$ is not so easy to earn nowadays. If your partner is trustworthy enough it would still be safer to do "diligence and governance checks" as nimsg75 had mentioned. For myself, I would rather be an active partner or not at all.
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