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Everything posted by norman19

  1. Bought this car seat for my 4 years old kid but he don't like. Now using Bolster. Can adjust to 3 position.Cushion is still very new, use only for 3 months. Selling for $50. Interested can PM me your contact number. Collection at Bt Panjang.
  2. Selling for $60. Collection at Bt Panjang.
  3. Hi David Sorry I may not answer you correctly base on the spec of this car seat. I bought this car seat in a rush without even asking the spec. or even take the packing box. But I can answer you base on my own knowledge. All my kids started to use car seat at the age of 4 month. Until they reach the age of 3 to 4 years old they begin to dislike car seat. As for weight limit I should set between 6kg to 15 kg. All this information is base on my kids age and weight. Take note that this car seat is not suitable for new born. Anyway thanks for your intereste. Regards Norman
  4. Selling for $60. Collection at Bt Panjang.
  5. Bought this car seat for my 4 years old kid but he don't like. Now using Bolster. Can adjust to 3 position.Cushion is still very new, use only for 3 months. Selling for $50. Interested can PM me your contact number. Collection at Bt Panjang.
  6. Selling my Macro Skimmer AS-150 NW. Use for 2 years plus. According to the spec. it state that max. capacity is 600L. It come will a needle wheel pump. Now selling for $60. Collection place Bt Panjang or CCK mrt. Interested can PM me.
  7. Looking for white or yellow color anemone. Anyone has please PM me.
  8. Decided to use back the MH. Thread closed.
  9. I think good photo presentation play a big part in the sale. 1 sold and 1 is reserved.
  10. Price revised.. Selling for $90
  11. Now selling for $80. Anyone interested ?
  12. Now selling for $80. Anyone interested ?
  13. Bro how about this. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=73734
  14. [quote name='norman19' date='Oct 18 2008, 10:25 PM' post='763191 20K bulb only used for 2 months. Selling for $90.
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