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Everything posted by Morpheous

  1. Up for the day A rock full of blue strip mushroom - $35 Orange plate coral - $30 Candy cane - $25 Cup coral - $8 Orange Yuma/ head $7 Green bubble - $20
  2. Up for the day A rock full of blue strip mushroom - $35 Orange plate coral (partially captured at bottom left. If any one interested i will take take a full pic) - $30 Candy cane - $30 Cup coral - $10 Red cynarina - Sold
  3. Cyna - reserved Upz for the sale... Prata was just taken with my mobile cam.
  4. Yes, but at a later timing.... He's the only reason why i kept the tank running.. almost 2 years old.. a gem i bought from GO. so prob it will be the last coral to leave my tank :cry2:
  5. Due to work commitments + planning for a long holiday, I'm stepping down this hobbie to fowlr. I am selling the following corals. Collection at punggol. A rock full of blue strip mushroom - $35 Orange plate coral (partially captured at bottom left. If any one interested i will take take a full pic) - $30 Small sized red cynarina - $40 Candy cane - $30 Cup coral - $10 Green Striped prata (big) - $50 Pls pm me if it catches your interest.
  6. The Green firework prata on the left is for sale at $60. The right picture is taken with a handphone camera as my digital cam is spoilt. The big prata shows how big it is. Very healthy condition. Opens at almost 6 inch big. Interested pls pm me. The orangy red one will be on sale at a later timing. Collection at punggol.
  7. Forgot to include, Item 2 consist of 3 fragments. Will give discount if take all.
  8. Am slowly converting into fowlr, therefore slowly releasing my corals. Item 1 - $30 Item 2 - $20 Collection Punggol.
  9. Hi Bro, Glad the fish is doing well... Yes it needs a mate... and if it pairs up, u can start breeding nemos I saw your post in another thread. The 2 feet cube is a good buy! go for it! its an internal skimmer...if your 24cm cube tank is going to be converted into a sump, yes it fits in. I think you drop by would be better coz my camera is spoilt just 2 weeks best, but let me know fast!
  10. Have the following for sale. Interested, pls pm me. Collection at punggol.
  11. Have a unit for $20. Suitable for 2feet and below. Pump runs at 11W. Collection at punggol.
  12. hi bro, What is the height of the skimmer? I am interested but have limited cabinet height.
  13. Sweet! Very healthy condition. Upz for your sale!
  14. Hi bro, Sounds like your tank is ready.. Any time u want to take the clown fish, pop me a sms...
  15. upz, anyone b4 it goes to the wild?
  16. Interested pls leave ur hp here.
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