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Everything posted by Morpheous

  1. If you are going to catch the Singapore angel for quarantine, i would also suggest to catch all the fishes out and leave the display tank fallow for at least 1 mth to run out the parasite cycle. Also look properly at the spots... it may either be ick or velvet.
  2. Desmond has new shipment?? It was quite empty a few days back
  3. 6" majestic lots of true percular clown Location: Ah Bengz.... Nothing else fantastic nearby..
  4. Yea, timing buay zun le... Last week was busy... This week free, but no major shipment...
  5. I saw it last week too, but it looked real stressed so i don't dare to buy it. Has yours started feeding?
  6. How about small sized majestic angel fish? any spotted along the eastern area?
  7. Cleaner shrimp or blood shrimp will look great in your system. Do take note of your water evaporation.
  8. Nope, not sufficient. Read this up... http://faq.thekrib.com/begin-cycling.html
  9. Bro, what did u feed ur regal with? I only manage to make it eat after using the half clam method... Pellets, nori and mysis was totally ignored..
  10. I bought one from the fish shop opposite irwarna. But you have to purchase a separate ball valve to control the water flow.
  11. good water condition. and it seems like its suffering from a little lateral line as well.
  12. Oh yea.. i used to visit them when i used to stay at bedok areas. Sometimes i also do see the couple at pasir farmways too Looking for small regal angel or juv blueface. Anyone??
  13. They are usually a little opaque/translucent.. How strong are your lightings?
  14. Maybe turning on the lights for a longer period may works. What are the specs of the led?
  15. Eastern update: Irwana jus have a fish shipment, wrasse seen but i am no guru at that. Pac marine have a fish shipment, lots of powder brown. Regal angels Emperor angels lionfishes flame angels and many more. Ah beng n I aquarium is closed today.
  16. Bro, PBT swimming against current is not good news, its a signal that ich may be giving it discomfort. Would suggest u take it out for medication or apply hypo-salinity
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