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Everything posted by May&Bruce

  1. Thanks jem...more sand available ppl
  2. Lighting system available again now.....any takers?
  3. Nice big bubble Big round leather Many yumas / hairy mushrooms Lots of mushrooms stuck on rocks - some brown mushies, some blue mushies Pickup: 91 Hillview Ave #06-20, The Petals (Bukit Batok area) SMS me first as I may be out: 9633 2892
  4. 15kg sand sold, still another 20-30kg of sand to go...make an offer.....
  5. Chiller reduced to $100, c/w near new pump great deal!!!
  6. No the house elcb shouldn't trip, so everything else on the same power circuit in the house should stay on.
  7. Sorry again bro, i got you confused with another bro who also contacted me at the same time about the meter - thought it was you
  8. Hi amboi. Ok will reserve until Sunday - thanks!
  9. Please note I gave the wrong HP number...sooo sorry SMS 9633 2892. Still got lost of sand available - free to anyone who wants it. Perfect for starting a new tank.
  10. Please note I gave the wrong HP number...sooo sorry SMS 9633 2892. Chiller still available, comes with near new pump.
  11. Please note I gave the wrong HP number...sooo sorry SMS 9633 2892. Still a lot of EXCELLENT quality rock available.
  12. Yes they are. Btw, i gave wrong HP number, please SMS 9633 2892
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