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Everything posted by letdoit

  1. so can i put live rock at sump to grow alage on main tank? can spread like that?
  2. aquarium pharmaceuticals is very good and cheap. I have alot test kit. So don't worry abt A.P brand
  3. thanks for info. I guess i don't have new choice ( no short cut) back to square one, using 2 days
  4. by the way, hardly or nearly no short cut. and confirm need correct Ca+mg , salinty etc etc. One of them missing, coral hardly can live
  5. yup yup. 99.99% alot ppl rush. I spend near 1K because my stupid move. Be prepare upto 3 mths water cycle before start. Ca+Mg+Kh+No3 are basic need and coral food. good luck. I want to cry because no friends help me until found this forum i also chop alot $$$ from shop
  6. From shop uncle, he told me that, blue like is very important to coral. normally for MH, is 14k kelvin, bcos more blue. for T5 and PL normally ppl used at least 2 tube , one blue and one white tube. He told me that , both tube is blue is better then both tube is white. HUH, got sure stupid lighting formula ma?
  7. normally i give Ca and MG different day. can i mix them together on fresh water then into marine? Or must different time? thanks
  8. Just bought Zoa coral recently and my zoa cannot open up due to shrimps keep on going on top cause it close and open all the time. It is common and healthy to let shrimps stay on Zoo? what should i do?
  9. maybe lo, i try to find a good place for them to live. but now still stuck at plastic container.
  10. i have problem with both prata and cynarina if i put prata and cynarina and higher height, it will close med and low height also close. but if i put inside a plastic container, and shift to one side with also less light but at higher height, both prata and cynarina grow bigger. i still can't figure out what there want. the container is still inside fish tanks, so i don't think water parameter got problem
  11. no coral food. i have all parameter correct. but i didn't know that coral have own liquid food. LOL. i have bad first started
  12. hi hammy, my lighting is 55w x2 i put in highest (abt 1 mth), some time center height (2 mth ago) no sign of skeleton for this branch of hammer
  13. my green hammer coral don't know why every short for 3 mths plus. Don't die, don't melt, just very short. (before i bought, LFS there is healthy and long) surf around the info, some websites said for low current wave, some said prefer med or high. so what the correct answer? lighting, some also said from low, and some said high, so which one? water parameter: Ca: 420 (salifert) Mg: 1350 (salifert) No3: 20ppm (sera) SR : 16 mg/l (salifert) temp: 27 degree
  14. ups for u, i notice that yr LR all puple color. i think yr LR sell good prices soon
  15. thanks for all info. i heard cucumber got poison somehow. i think going buy sand dollar and sand shifting star
  16. i also have Sera. maybe we need to multple 4.4 on Sera (for right answer)
  17. for nitrate, u can visit http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/...p?article_id=96 it talk abt nitrate using following brand 1)Tetratest Nitrate 2)Nutrafin 3)API Dry-Tab 4)Red Sea 5)Interpet Easy Test Nitrate 6)Salifert Nitrate 7)Tropic Marin 8) other more ... too many
  18. my sand start to turn all into brown, how to clean or maintain the sand always white? is it always suck away the sand?
  19. i used to have white spot for most my tangs fishes. After buy many doctor shrimps and 1 doctor fish, never got white spot for a year. U need to clear it using additives first lo. hope this help
  20. my first test kit also Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. Because that time no money, so i buy it. I find it very good but the shop ppl said cheap, no so good and intro me other brand....
  21. i also think of buying marine snow but end up buy Salifert coral food. by the way, is marine snow and Salifert coral food is the same? i mean food for coral.... if yes, which is better if price is same
  22. i know why both brand got so big different. NO3 is not a big problem (by this website) http://www.petsforum.com/personal/trevor-jones/nitrate.html Now i understand alot from this website abt NO3 test kit
  23. Can someone tell me: What is the accuarcy (brand) u using. example: salifert NO3 lowest detect 0.2 PPM what abt 1) tropic Marin 2) red Sea 3) pls list if u got other brand thanks
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