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  1. Thanks guys I really appreciate your comments.
  2. Hi Reefers, Can someone help with these questions? 1. Is WEIPRO calcium reactor a good brand? 2. Do I have to install WEIPRO CR insump? (as the description on the booklet shows its been placed insump) 3. Pls let me know the pros/cons of this CR 4. What are the other eqpmnts I wud need?
  3. i haven't notice any of my corals being eaten by saron shrimp. i WILL not remove SARON SHRIMP from my aquarium anymore.
  4. Brother reefers from Singapore, let me share you with my experience. Recently when I was abroad my wife gave "little" extra calcium to my tank and there was a calcium shock which killed some of my corals, all the fish and critters. After that came the aglae problem. It started growing like wild fire. To make the matters worse, my wife kept feeding the tank (additives) and kept on feeding whts left. (most of the corals survive though) When I returned home (after three months), most of my base rocks and sand and some of my corals were taken over by hair algae. First thing I did was to brush the algae inside the aquarium (MY BIGGEST MISTAKE). Without knowing I introduce more algae!!! The SOLUTION. 1. I introduced lots of hermit crabs, about 50 of them. (all of them were totally free for me as Im from Maldives) 2. Introduced a very common blenny.(Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus) 3. Reduced the tempreture to 25 degrees Celsius 4. Stop feeding additives and food 5. Reduced lightings and light hours for 5hrs 6. Did LOTS of water changes. 7. WAITED for the nature to control. As soon as I introduced the hermit crabs, they started their work and they controlled pretty much algae. But I noticed the long hair algae were not touched. HERE COMES the BEST PART and I bet none of you guys would believe this. But it worked for me. I introduced 4 Saron shrimps. YESS Saron Shrimps. I haven't read any thing positive about this fellow. But it really worked. The Saron Shrimps started eating the long hair algae. Trust me, though some reefers talk bad about this shrimp, its not what its labelled as. These fellows come out at night and nip off the hair algae and eat em pretty fast. And now Im totally free of algae. Now I respect these creatures more every day as they are my saviours. Patience is all you need.
  5. SPS stands for Small Polyps Storny Corals. Hope this wud be of help to u bro. its always good to learn a new thing every day. cheers
  6. jacobus, im from Maldives where very few keep marine aquariums. We cant export corals but we can always take few for persoanl use:) I dont have to spend a dime on coral. cool huh?
  7. I bet it can be fragged. Here is my story. I wanted a bubble coral so badly and while while i was snorkling i saw a big bubble coral growing underneath a cave, . I had two options, to remove the hole coral or to frag. i went for the last option. On my next trip i went with a chisel and a hammer. I removed two pieces from that big coral and brought home. put them into my aquarium and its still living. Take my word for this and go ahead and cut that baby into half. but be cautious, try to find if you could, a path inbetween the bubbles. run your finger on top of the bubble and you will feel like a small path inbetween. put a chisel and frag it. after that put them under moderate current. thats all. good luck and happy reefing.
  8. Bro don't worry your coral must be pooping. It happens after a good meal I guess.
  9. femunu

    over flow pipe

    i have my tank drilled at the bottom. and its working fine for me, but i need to help a friend of mine who dont want to drill a hole on the tank. im interested in lettin him try ur way. mind posting ur end product? if possible with da dimensions too. thanks in advance. BTW will the air tube we use is big enough for the end?? just a guess!!
  10. Epoxyclay Aqua works pretty fine for me. I bought it from Malaysia for about RM 12 i think. Try this site http://www.repchem.com it might give u an idea. what i know is that it works fine for me and all my acropora grows on it now.
  11. Can anyone out there help me to buy lights and other goods from Singapore? I mean to buy online. funny huh? but i have tried couple of site and they dont ship to my country Urrmmm Maldives. thanks in advance and keep this site growing.
  12. Hello Folks, Can someone out there help me buy marine aquarium products online from Spore? I live in Maldives, its very difficult to get good products down here. I tried to buy stuffs from ebay but they don't have my country on the list, Im helpless:( Your help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Femunu BTW here is my site: Femunu Marine Aquarium
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