Please read proper cycling procedures lah. I understand its hard to keep the urge to add fishes in suppressed till tank is fully cycled. Patience will ensure u enjoy the hobby for a looonnng time. Happy reefing.
yeah get snails lah. Get 10-20 of those n u see the thick film of alage will be gonzo in no time. Can easily get at the seaside(turbo, trochus, nerite & bumblebee or frm lfs (think abt $1 each, not too sure as never buy b4 as I collect all my snails and little hermits). Just make sure if get frm seaside, dont get the drills as those are very common or all yr clams n bivalves will be gonzo.
thats a target fish (Crescent Perch or Jarbua)
grows super fast ... i still hv one in my tank that'll be release soon to join its bros n sis in the sea.... eats like crazy n grows like crazy
i m oso switching to the starhub maxonline 6500. Singnet service bad thats why after yrs of using them finally decided to switch... origginally still undecided but after trying for at least 10 times to speak to a sales rep on the line 1610 n waiting .... finally told them when i got thru that i weant to cxl service haha
Hello bros & sis
Please recommend some gd brands/models for MP3 or Mp4 players. Promised to buy son one for doing well in psle but hv no idea abt such things. Budget S$250 +- $50. Thnks vm in advance for your help. Much appreciated.
if your tank is still empty maybe go ask the diy shop guys got any chemicals to apply etc lah... my is fully operational tank so not much chance as scratches on inside... just hv to live with it lor
when sleeping, the cleaning wrasse builds a bubble around itself in a hole... i hv seen it many times ... i suspect that maybe some crabs got to it when its asleep in the hole.
cleaner wrasse shd be left in teh sea. i hv tried a few times n they just dont survive past the 1 mth period even when started feeding... dont know why tho... so best to leave them in teh seas... 6-band wrasse is relateively easy to keep... hv kept one for 3 yrs already... if need cleaner services, maybe better to get cleaning shrimps...
my scratches on inside of tank cos itchy backside use razor to scrap away algae ,,, very effective but plenty scratches all over the place ... now those scratches are where algae always starts groiwing frm .... sheeeezzz......
hahaha when u said loooonngg time hahaha means i dont let the nitrate situation worsen than 25 ... weekly or fortnitelywater tests...... once nitrate hits 20-25 = reduced feeding & then water chg 15-20% next week.... i usu chg water between once a mth to once every 2 mths, letting the nitrate lvl be my gauge of how "clean" my water is....
my nitrate range 5-25 ppm... happy with that n has been in this range for looonnn ggg time already ... i geuss impt parameters to note wud be more the ammonia n nitrites as these can be fatal even in minute amts... nitrates less of a wori imo
go for the better grade made-for-aquarium ones lah. not really that exp.. just a few bucks thats all..... Just be very careful as mentioned to not pour too much into yr tank at once.... even using dripping, will push up ph pretty quickly... so adjust accordingly lah...
easy to keep leather coral.... polyps shd be extended with lights... t5 lights is gd enough.............. temp best keep between 26.5-28.5 ... too hi n polyps wont come out ........ no feeding needed
the longest surviving anemones i hv over the yrs = green carpet... hv tried many types in past following advice of books etc... but most died 6-9 mths... hv 3 carpets in my tank now for just over a yr n still doing well..... the only significant difference being that these carpets i collected frm seasidewhile the rest were bgt frm lfs ... beautiful green ..... if they get too big will hv to release back to sea again...
i had same prob the last time..... my sailfin attacks even "new" fishes that are bigger than itself..... i tried the mirror trick but didnt work in long run so in the end had to release the bugger as gotten to big n started attacking old n new tank mates , big or small.... sad cos i kept it since it was tiny paperthin....
do a search on "dazs" n be yr own judge lah... Personally i hv bad experience with the brand. Initially not bad but deteriorates very VERY fast.... Best do more research n be own judge.... "one man's meat may be another's poison"........
well angels with corals is heng sway one lah... i hv kept majestic, flame, bicolor with mushrooms, soft corals, bubbles n hammers in the past with no nipping at all. Now hv a pymy angel in my reef tank n no prob oso... didnt even nip at my coco n tub eworms.... heng sway lah