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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. generally speaking yes
  2. if u hv time go down n pay a visit. very gd service .
  3. yeah depending on budget.... mce 600 maybe?
  4. Great looking setup , Tim. Keep the updates coming....
  5. looks like the blue sponge eating slug... white with brown/black spots rite... cute looking ... but feeds on the sponges
  6. Dazza


    try iwarna or AM or reborn lah .. got t5s for sure
  7. yep looks like the Flamingo ... if i m not wrong, Henry brought it in b4 a couple of mths back
  8. yo bro wei sheng... upgrading yeah? upz for yr sale
  9. yeah prices hv been going up ... remember not too long ago , prata cost only ard 40 ish even for a red one. still rem buying 2 frm eaquarists (at Siglap)...... that wasnt too long ago maybe just 3 yrs ago rite
  10. can plse pm me wats the px for the royal gramma n blackcap?
  11. shd be not big of a prob ... i oso work nite shift ..... the beauty is that u can go chiong lfs in afternoon during weekdays... no crowd swee
  12. I think it cud still be suffering from acllimatisation shock.... gv it some time in a low light area n dont disturb it..... if its ok, within a couple of day shd recover
  13. if u r not keeping sps , maybe the 6100 cud be too strong. This wud esp be the case if u intend to keep lps tank. But it cud help u avoid future upgrade if u decide to go for sps in future. The trick is to avoid hvg too strong wave on yr lps. So u can direct the wave against the side glass of the tank or against a piece of live rock . Another word of caution is - what is the grade of sand that u r using in the tank? Grade 0 & 1 sand may be too fine & a strong wavemaker cud cause a permanent sand storm in yr tank. I hv since reverted back to grade 3 myself
  14. yo bro hows the going? i still hv a piece of sunny yet to collect frm u rite ?
  15. Hihi Ridzwan... I m using Tunze TS24 (ie 2 X 6100 turbelle) for my 3 by 3 by 2.5 There is no hard n fast rule to choosing a wavemaker. It depends on what you intend to keep & then how you conifgure yr flow directions ... u'll need some trial & error to get the correct flow configuration for yr tank as every tank has a different setup in terms of rocks etc ... My errors caused my bubbles & hammer corals to literally hv their flesh torn away but the sunnies, cauliflowers, acros, montis, torch, galaxy. mushies, star polyps all doing very well ... alot hv to do with deflecting and playing the currents off rocks n glass
  16. i m oso looking for ideas as my bartlett anthias jumped into the overflow for a couple of mths already.. hv tried letting water flush all down into sump but didnt work.... tried empty water bottle with food inside oso didnt work... so far just let it be lor
  17. chk out the solaris led lights at reefdepot... nice & px oso nice
  18. sori hvnt tried any of yr mentioned products. My only encounter with this brand is a calcium test kit which was bgt during a period when there was no stk for the other brands. Used once and wasnt too gd in terms of ease of use or accuracy. Still sitting in my store rm. btw if u want, i can gv u the calcium test kit . only used once.
  19. yeah bro john ... i think the method u mentioned was pretty popular in the early '80s when hobbielists were looking for a better system than theh original under gravel filter... its the undergravel but with a water flow the other way rite.... abit problematic if u use grade 0 or 1 sand tho...
  20. My jumpers include: Tile fish - purple, skunk Bartlett anthias
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