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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. cud be probably sml mantis shrimp inside yr live rocks doing house cleaning. Do u hv an urchin? cos urchins do that as well. Gives off cloudy eggs once in a while .
  2. just go collect some from seaside lah......... Plenty ard
  3. if yr tank is properly cycled, teh dead pink coral tree shd not affect the water for too long. Shd clear up by tomorrow. If u test water n notice a slight spike in ammonia or nitrite, then chg 10-15 % water to be safe.
  4. Range in saltwater n fresh water parameters are different so use the correct ones.
  5. yes side of odean katong shopping centre. Next building to katong shopping centre.
  6. well i fed my with prawns now. U can try those frozen mysis shrimps first. The clowns will take em in plus let some drop onto the tentacles. A word of caution, carpet needs plenty of light.
  7. keep close observation. No panicking as yet lah. If u really concerned, then test water parameters. Did u chg any lighting?
  8. Lighting req for anemones are stronger than that for fishes only tanks. So need to consider taht b4 u put in one into the fowlr tank.
  9. my flame hawk is a gentleman. Had no prob with it at all.
  10. tangs get ich on & off so ntg to really wori abt as long as they r feeding well n yr water is gd. Soak nori with garlic guard & then feed them. Tangs love them. Even my clown trigger loves em.
  11. hey pospeh, yr dad & me may hv been frds back then......
  12. Been keeping marines since 1976. Started with ugf then external hangon filter then protein skimmer arrives , then cannister filters & then finally had enough $$ to get a wet dry trickle filter with sump.
  13. I put my pump on those cheap sponges bgt from mkt. reduce the humming sound a lot.
  14. I willing to pay $50 usd. what do i get?
  15. yes that is a Singapore Angel and it is very easy to keep. Its availbale at lfs very cheaply also. The copperband doesnt feed well in captivity so better to leave it in the sea. I once had one that feeds on tubifex worms. Best to release it back to sea.
  16. keep yr snapping shrimps with a copuple of gobies.... very interesting. I once kep a huge snapping shrimp with cleaning shrimps, boxing shrimps n they got along well.
  17. For carnivorous fishes like lionfish, frogfish, stone fish , groupers etc, anything that fits into the mouth will be eaten. I once had a fu mon chu with my grouper. They were same sized when bought as young. The grouper outgrew the fumonchu lionfish n one day the lionfish ended up as food for his friend the grouper.... So choose the tankmates with great care...
  18. o aragonite is a kind of sand.... & bentley is the car i drive to work in everyday......................................................... ( i wish)..............
  19. yes mate i use the 10k & the actinic & very gd results. Definitely better than arcadia as i also use arcadia. Pricewise abit exp tahts all.
  20. Hihi Sphinx I hv collected n reared these b4 back in the '70s when i was still in school & quite broke. Its a kind of rock anemone and no clowns go into it but pretty interesting creatures to study as well. I fed them prawn or squid meat last time. A few well-fed specimens looks pretty gd in a tank but of course in terms of colours u cant compare with the stuff sold at lfs but nonetheless they r pretty gd creatures (& hardy & cheap) to keep. Hv fun.
  21. There is one kind of jellyfish wh I successfully kept for abt 1 yr a few years ago. Its those that usually rest on the sandbed upsidedown. Greenish translucent in colour. I caught it at Sentosa before they destroyed the beautiful reef at the thrid lagoon. Fed it liquidfry marine & it survived. Released it back into the sea after about 1 yr becos then bgt a wrasse wh keeps picking on the jellyfish. Yes jellyfish shd be kept in a species tank.
  22. yeah i agree, i usually keep a copy in car as well so taht when I hv time to kill in between my biz meetings, I look for lfs to visit in the vicinity of wherever I may be.
  23. just hv patience n keep filter going until u get zero for both ammonia n nitrite b4 u consider putting livestks in... will be worth the wait...
  24. hihi mate 3 yrs ago I saw this bluish jelly fish at Reb.... n bgt it for $25 . Shdnt hv done it becos it keeps getting stuck in my wet / dry trickle filter inlet. Hope u dont hv one of those.
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