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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. Well scooter blenny belongs to same family as mandarins & dragonets. Dont think they are that territorial.
  2. Depends on what type of crabs lah. Some can be herbivorous n help to get rid of algae. My moon wrasse & clown trigger helps to keep my crab population in check. Only my hermits still going strong hahaha.
  3. Anemones need plenty of special requirements so if u r not prepared to spenmd time & $$$ I would not strongly recommend it. Most anemones need strong lights and gd quality water. If u can provide the gd conditions then I would suggest Entacmaea Quadricolor (bulb) or the Macrodactyla doreensis (long tentacles)(not sure the spelling) but generally these r the 2 more common ones. Great to keep with clowns as well.
  4. i would recommend a very gd skimmer. Sori but i am a keen supporter of skimming. The berlin system relies alot on live rocks & skimming. i hvnt tried it but i use plenty of live rocks in my tank & sump , skimming plus chemical filtration.
  5. Well trigger fishes are very interesting creatures. I hv a clown trigger n it is living very happily ith a moon wrasse, purple tang, tomato clown, 6-band wrasse, flame hawk, sailfin tang & pearlscale butterfly. No prob watsoever from the chap. Once in a while he tries to nip my fingers when i scrub the galss but that smy own fault becos i didnt give it ample warning that its me hahaha...
  6. Yeah lah like i say no one enforce it but its illegal lah. U can also go to Labrador Park n collect corals wothout getting any grieve from teh ranger but it sstill illegal. So just a word of caution tahts all.
  7. Just use tap water to wash it lah. Keep washign till its the water is no longer dirty or cloudy
  8. Boxing shrimp & cleaning shrimps shd hv no prob staying together. Boxing shrimp & boxing shrimp will fight unless u hv big tank or they r a mated pair
  9. Sunlight is great for anemones. Prob is keep an eye out on the temp as too hi a temp will kill the anemone & anything else inside the tank & not the actual sunlight itself. U'll also end up hvg to work very hard everyday scrapping algae off yr sides
  10. Yeah means not optimal condition. Even established tanks get em from time to time.
  11. Dont think snails , cleaning shrimps or urchins will attack anemones on purpose. The long spined sea urchin could accidentally puncture anemones tho.
  12. I soak the fish food in garlicguard for abt an hour b4 feeding them.
  13. I think yt & for that matter most tangs need some veg for healthy growth. Try feed it some nori or plant stuff.
  14. Hvnt tried any of these products but I wud be more worried abt the chemicals in teh products contaminating the water accidentally.
  15. If they hv enough food in he tank, then they sometimes dont clean. If they dont clean, then I would suggest dont feed them any food for a few days. Just make sure the food u feed your fishes dont drop to the bottom.
  16. U ever consider the traditional fishing hook method? Dont know if it'll work for your angel. Works for me everytime whenever my fishes gets too big.
  17. The bubbles in the skimmer should not go out into the rest of the tank. The only thing coming out of your skimmer shd be the "clean" water from the outflow & the "dirty" skimmate" in the cup. Adjust your airflow to acheive the desired effect.
  18. Just a word of caution about collecting sand from reclaimed places. If i m not wrong it is illegal to do so. No one uually enforce it but just be careful.
  19. Well it depends on what u intend to use it for. Mechanical, biological or chemical or all. Also what kind of filter do u have, cannister, trickle wet dry sump?
  20. Yes. Just add a powerhead or fan to circulate the water which is going thru its usual maturing cycle. U can also suck away the debris or rot. There shd be more than enough rotting stuff in teh rocks to keep the process going.
  21. Cool. Just be careful not to knock anything against the glass. Seems rather thin to me. Also agree with Clownfish, do away with the frsh water plants picture in background & the tank will look more natural.
  22. bio balls create too much nitrate in the long run. Its pretty gd when u are trying to mature the tank but after a year or so, it keeps adding nitrates. Anyone tried biohome (not sure of name) but I heard its pretty gd. Gonna chuck some into my sump and see if any gd.
  23. Well just leave it lah. Anyway for dsb, even if dig 2 inches , shdnt be able to see base.
  24. http://avdil.gtri.gatech.edu/RCM/RCM/Aquar...dingProbes.html Some counterviews on probes thats all. Think best to go to root of problem & fix the leakage.
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