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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. yes lah it sjust some organism (probably a sml mantis inside a hole thast doing ti... no woris lah
  2. sori i dont use aqua pharm products for bathing ...... "follow me" maybe but never aqua pharm .....
  3. paradiz reef= 63967970... just back frm there still hv plenty of cleaner shrimps n blood shrimps... very gd sized purple firefish ... loreta still ard 4-5 left if i m not wrong....
  4. it doesnt eat corals etc but will rush ard n look for food... even sand, sml stones will be swallowed n sometimes in its "kan cheong" rush , will knock over rocks n lrs.thats all... cook with assam not bad but prob is our tank water maybe nitrates too hi so best to release lah when it gets too big
  5. trevallies grow very & i mean very very fast......
  6. depends on yr tank mate... for mesandbed is no gd cos i black ckes , hermits n snails, keep disturbing ... i placed my wedged in between liverocks- look more natural n lesser disturbances
  7. hihi juscool... yeah i agree that u shdnt trim the coco worm's tube..... whether it comes out or not has gotntg to do with the length of the tube... if all other parameters are gd , it will come out by itself dont wori.
  8. Yeah sori but what is dt n live brine shrimps? wat so special bt the brine shrimp? $3 a pack at usual lfs type ? plse elaborate
  9. well for me i hv to contribute to govt fund cos my last few incamps i conduct for the battalion but my self didnt take hahaha so charge fine haha
  10. well ... maybe not so old lah but army oso tell me "thks for yr support" already hahha
  11. hihi wud love to join u guys if can n if u guys dont mind an "old horny geezer" coming along, i'll get back to this thread after i chk my shcedule as may hv to go to hk next week so hopefully can be back by then
  12. i think shells lah.... low tide ard 5 pm these few days... gd chance to go get some frm beach lah... in fact gd chance to get hermits as well if hes looking for them.
  13. superstar the one at ruby or is it the one at hotel royal? sori mix up al lthe names hahah
  14. just take a walk along east coast or west coast beach can find some lah
  15. Any other places of interest to suggest? Is the place afew buildings away that housed the golden finger massage place still ard? Is the promo 1st btl $208, 2nd btl $108 still valid?
  16. hahah true if u know people then anyday is not bad time rite haha
  17. haha plenty of lfs in sg ... so dont get upset lah, just bring yr biz esewhere ... like melvyn said, maybe miscommunication... or maybe the remark was meant as a joke as ur frd is regular there.
  18. yeah if hydrometer then range of pxs n makes available. if really under tight budget constraints then use those floating glass type wh cost probably ard $5 (not sure cos hvnt bgt one for yrs)...
  19. fri is very bad time to go lah ... u'll hv lots of time chatting abt reefing amongst yrselves (if u get what i mean hahaha )
  20. well i guess to each his own lah... some pple dont mind paying $60 for a coco worm so let them lor... btw i m poor man so only pay $15-25 for a beutiful red coco worm... in the end the consumers will choose n decide lah... diff biz hv diff ways of attracting cust ... all part of their respective mktg mix n branding lah ... whos to say whos rite whos wrong... willing buyer, willing seller
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