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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. read frm reefcentral that it is not advisable to frag sun corals
  2. yeah man i m also using the same skimmer as bro james for 3 ft cube n only complain is the skimmate smells ... seriously a fantastic skimmer
  3. great px for the sps bro... too bad my lights hvnt arrived yet... anyway upz for the sale
  4. take a look at the wall bracket used in the smaller display tank at AM... I think that bracket wud be suitable for yr case. Just hv to make sure u secure it tightly to the wall cos the mh wud be heavy and the last thing we want is for it to crash into the tank...
  5. no experience with any of the particular brands mentiooned but hv used venturi & needlewheel and imo needlewheel is much better
  6. diatoms...too much silicate n not enough flow.. increasing flow shd reduce this prob
  7. bro fongster sums it up pretty nicely ... just a word of caution to add is that alot of people don't really gv enough weight to the issue of power consumption. It may seem agreeable now but in the longer run, u may get nags frm yr wife or parents ... remember oil prices on way up n with that electrical tariffs
  8. hihi bro, just to clarify the anthias u hv ... cos i m interested in evansi but the photos seem to show blue-eyed anthias. Cud u confirm plse? tx
  9. adjust flow rate such that the overflow box hv enough water inside.. ie slow down the flow into sump... i had the same prob but i didnt want to use bio balls ... if after u do this , u find that the water in the last compartment of sump too low, then u hv to raise the durso pipe slightly higher
  10. is it the gurshing noise at the base of pipe into the sump or the trickling sound at the top of the overflow?
  11. i m no expert but the writer is purported to be one... http://www.marinedepotlive.com/propagating...ny-calfo--.html
  12. thats the hairy crab taht s usually found in liverocks .. very common in this region... attack n kill fishes in the tank... i usually spear it with bbq skewer n feed it to the carpet anemone
  13. hihi Jun ... wud u be interested in a red sea berlin classic venturi skimmer. I hv just upgraded my skimmer... if u r interested pm me...
  14. depends wh brand... certain pumps can use for both some not recommended for marine use... chk the box or with the manufacturer's site
  15. well shd be no prob... in fact thats what i just did when i transfer frm old to new tank. I ran new water for a day, put in my old liverocks next day n then zoos n mushroom the next day n so far no prob at all with them. In fact i put in 3 "old" fishes another 2 days later... so far nh3=0, n02=0 , n03 =5
  16. I got bitten once as well . Does yr skimmate smell? When i had that pink finger, teh skimmate was purplish pink , not so wet & stinks like hell... never again ...
  17. yo bro, why u gvg up? U can always switch to say fowl ... n still enjoy the hobby
  18. hvnt been to lck for a long time... anything interesting there now?
  19. i suspect its dead ... a ###### tubeworm on the sand'll is open invitation for the prawn n nemo ...
  20. Hihi bros & sis I need to buy a final piece of equipment for my new tank- Lights. After much research, hv decide on T5s. Thinking of the ATI 6 tubes power module but i understand that there is currently no stks here. Please gv me yr recommendations for other brands. TIA.
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