Rare fish must find rare buyer lah.
Taken from the URL:
Damselfishes are an extremely important group of tropical and sub-tropical marine fishes, for the wild and saltwater hobbyists. Damsels provide a vital link both as reef forage fishes as well as excellent beginner marine aquarium specimens. What makes them so great is their diversity, beauty and tolerance of chemical and physical conditions, "interesting" behavior when crowded and general compatibility with fishes and invertebrates. To top all this off damselfish species normally accept all types of food eagerly and are very disease resistant.
Use to have 2 pair but gave it to my friend. Reason being my Emperor 6" Blue Face 4" Powder Blue 7" and all my other smaller fish fin all chui chui... found out its the 2 bugger.
But it will be good for people who have a All Damsel Tank.