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Everything posted by jem

  1. http://mymusicshoponline.com/Marine/post-10-1158995985.jpg Going for $120 Fast Deal Please PM me
  2. Some Pictures for you guys 2feet curved glass tank $20 Single Chamber CR: $100 Dual Chamber CR: $100 SOLD Liverocks $1/Kg (Styrofoam box)
  3. whoaaaa.. DPM #2 for beginner... you are doing very good! investing on the right stuff keep up! honestly.. im still using those lousy hydrometer
  4. Dual Chamber CR SOLD! Left -T5 -Single Chamber -Liverocks MANYMORE
  5. been to jerv tank this morning.. actually.. u got to notice.. the tang is really small!! about the size of a big ricordia only leh.. his flow considered moderate la.. haha..
  6. clam is an invertebrate... they are filter feeders of phyto plankton too
  7. yepp they changed their packaging quite some time back
  8. there is some.. but not me.. LOL.. now everyone knows your name, how you look like and where youre studying..
  9. T5 - $60 Single CR - $110 (Grab it fast now!) Dual CR - $180 (HOT) Liverocks - $1/kg!
  10. Equipments price are chopped!! if you find its unreasonable.. pls pm me.. willing to negotiate..
  11. upz.. pls pm me directly if youre interested in any equipments
  12. lol.. im eyeing at something.. x))
  14. the flowrate for the atman is 1300L/H the skimmer dimension is about 1.5feet(L) 1feet(w) 1.5ft(H)
  15. hi.. the pump is already included FYI will take the measurements tonight and post it here..
  16. try fish city at the place below farmart bro... if your budget is within $50-$100 i think you can get a decent customize sump for yourself
  17. thanks bro.. just did a revision to the price.. all prices chopping from 15%-50%!!!!!! new items added! (T5, Pump, Water Recirculators) check it out
  18. Calcium Reactor Dual Chamber Calcium Reactor Liverocks (20kg) Tanks Skimmer http://www.mymusicshoponline.com/Marine/
  19. how do i place the big chuck of wool into the dome? easy.. rolll 'er up!
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