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Everything posted by Sandisct

  1. for u to pump in US$50 to make it US$100... it take you less than 2 months to get back everything plus some profit.... 1 month US$30 x 2 = US$60 - US$50 = US$10 profit.... just to test this program out for 2 months.... not worth it??? any taker? other than andylee??
  2. well... u can dun pump anything at all... just seur and you'll get 50c every day..... end of the month u'll get US$4.50.... can buy a pack of ciggy next month then pump oso can when u give up on toto...haha
  3. there are pple doing that... but i dun want.... I am planning to do tt when i got my acct max.... when i got my acct max at 20k every month excluding upgrade.. i'll get ard US$6k... until then i'll plan to give my referrals a lucky draw.... just thought of it while travelling whoever sign up under me and they happen to be at the 100s position... eg , 100,200,300 I'll pump in US$990 to make it US$1000... U see.. when ur level is high... ur motivation to surf is more.... Just like me... i want to try... but if everyday only earning 10c...why waste time.... hence the big amount.... imagine...everyday i am earning US$41!!!! if i missed 1 day of surfing... i really must bang balls...!!!
  4. remember... in order to do a withdrawer... ur acct level must be at 100 and there's a minimum of US$5 in your acct balance... Once i see ur name in my referral list i'll pump in the US$40... Why am i doing tt? when u compound till the limit, which is US$20,000 per acct. i stand to gain US$2k... so compared to that , wat is the US$40?... but i need u to commit too.... thus the other US$50 must come from u. and we must have patience with this program....
  5. ok andylee..... u seems to be the biggest skeptic here.... this is wat i'll do... u goto my blog... click the program link and sign up there.... hope u'll use back this id "andylee" as ur user name. I'll pump in US$40 to ur acct.. to make it US$50.... the rest of the US$50 u pump to make it US$100... whether u want to pump or not up to you.... Then when ur acct balance got more than US$5.. u do a withdraw.... If u dun get any cheque... I'll lose US$40... If u do get that cheque.... U'll earn US$1x9 days = US$9 (provided u surf everyday following the instruction). plus so much more to come if u upgrade.... you've got nothing to lose, I'm risking US$40. U can use this money to compound again and again and again... no need to come out any money... and still can withdraw ur earnings... How abt tt?
  6. actually... kopi tiam is suppose to be a place where u can post anything not related to reefing rite?
  7. somehow or rather... can feel some flaming with andylee's post....
  8. and btw... forking out US$4090 to buy toto won't guanrantee you 100% kena TOTO.... just US$4090 of buying one big HOPE... I am sure i'll get back my US$4090 with this...
  9. er... andylee.... that stupid idiot happens to be me... I dun mind doing that forking out money to fund a account for somebody... That is what i am doing for my brother...
  10. hahaha... dun really care whether you guys wanna join lah.... hee hee Just look at the poll... i know jinners joined.... maybe he can share his experience if he ever get his cheque too...
  11. andy... I am sharing my spoils by having that blog... Everytime i earn i'll post the screen shot as proof. hmmmm..... I'm really seems like promoting this like crazy..... okok.... have to stop somewhere.... Just keep in mind.... my blog... Doesn't matter whether u sign or not... I'll try to do a withdraw maybe next month... which is abt 10 days later on 1st dec... probably getting the cheque by 15 dec.. I'll update this thread once i've done so... or you could visit my blog... Thanks for all your attention so far... anyway... sgreefclub is a nice place too....
  12. ok... u can actually call me crazy or wat... But my plan is.... When I'm in profit... I'll sign in people by giving them free $$$$. I'm already doing it for my Brothers. Volunteering myself to be his downline so when I max my acct at 20,000 he'll get 2,000 from commission. Why am I so "hor si"? I've been poor b4 so i understand the importance of money. What can I gain from introducing to strangers.... Of cos have... like I said... I'm getting 10% commission from ur upgrades....Only upgraades...but nothing when u dun upgrade..... Is this bad? No? becos commission dun come from ur pocket. U upgrade US$90 to make it US$100 so u can withdraw... and the 90 goes to ur acct. I'll get 10% (US$9) not from you but from the program. What have you got to gain from it? Lots.... Stay ard.... have an open mind.... even if u dun sign up under me its fine..... Just trying to spread the word ard.... There are lots of similiar programs out there... but i find this one pretty much reliable becos the people u deal with there are very professional. Even if u want to quit eventually due to some unforseen circumstances.... They'll refund you your upgrades $ minus watever u withdraw. rite now in singapore there's about close to 200 members join. none of them complained .... just keep on receiving money. It's ok for not joining.... Just keep in mind... who knows one day u might just wanna try...
  13. Then again do you think this is a scam?? http://www.freely.com/
  14. HEY JEM!!!... I joined sgreefclub...just 1 day before you!!... hahaha how coincidence...
  15. not investment...... Wat constitute to a scam? People kena cheated.... program lost.... Is there anyone kena cheated here? Is the program still on and alive? Please, when things come easy dun jump straight to conclusion. As a matter of fact, it is not so simple. Try doing this for 1 year. You'll understand. There's a link here for you to do some reading up..... It's perfectly fine to be skeptical about it.... It is even good to be a skeptic becos u really do your homework and research about the truth. And if you are convince one day, you are going to be a strong supporter. there's a fellow skeptic who was even being banned by the forum that was converted to be a truthful supporter.. Read her post.... I have a doubt seriously...
  16. My usual hang out is actually reefcentral.com, not sgreefclub.... hence my first few post are in this section... if you search on the lighting thread... for "LED as main light", you'll find my thread there... I am an experimental guy. Like to day dream quite abit also. Always eager to try out new things. Check that thread out maybe it'll sparkle some ideas for you?
  17. Actually hor.... yes lah.... 10% of ur investment... not ur earning... that's means only if u compound ur earnings i'll get 10% of it... if u withdraw ur earnings i dun get any.... the real earnings are not thru referrals....
  18. WOW.... 6 posting in a straight roll and promoted from Plankton to Copepod...hahaha
  19. Sorry.. I must apologise... It seems like I am very desperate trying to get recruits... No no no.... I nearly forgot... I am also trying out. But the way I go about trying is to pump in and if it really work i laugh... but if it won't work.... I laugh also (Woodbridge). Just trying to have a open discussion here.... Please dun feel offended. Sorry if I'm seen like I am trying to defend......
  20. BTW... i was from the advertising industry and advertising is a very big and profitable industry.... especially advertising in the web.... look at the share price of yahoo and google.... where do they earn their money??? from listing??? ITS ADVERTISING!!!
  21. Y you cannot compare this to MLM.... MLM - u need to sell certain products... so depending on products... if good can sell, no good ... cannot sell. expensive... no one buy... too cheap... company folds... MLM top sellers - good speaker, fluent speaker... talk until birds can fly down from tree. If u are a introvert...forget about it... better be an end user. This program?... Ask yourself how much time do u spend in front of your computer everyday? the fact that u are reading this thread would easily chalk up 15 mins of ur time. especially for those dealing with IT. you'll definately be facing the comp.Why not make some money while doing so? 4 mths is not so difficult to wait right? Come on, we've spent 2.5 yrs in NS... wat is 4mths?? HaHAHA ... always feel so funny by my own entry... haha PS.. Please dun sign up if u dun feel comfortable... anyway... it is not obligatory
  22. And yes you could say.... wat's the big deal... all mlm also registered with ACRA... There's even a MLM company that bought over a heritage site from government as their office... old thong chai medical hall?? But its just the same.... all it voice down is whether you are game to try? of cos there's nothing as easy as this and definately there's some catch behind all these.... I'll briefly explain it here... you get free US$10 on sign up.... but u are not allow to withdraw unless your account level is US$100 and there's a minimum of US$5 in your account balance. So even if u sign up, u cannot withdraw.....(Skeptics would then say...SEE??)... so u are compel to pump in US$90 to make it US$100..... (Skeptics would than say.... SEE... TOLD YOU!!!).... then becos u've already pump in u got no choice but to follow instruction....everyday watch 100 ads and u earn 1% of it per day... at the end of the month u'll earn (US$1 x 30days) US$30. Feeling lousy becos u pump in and the skeptics are laughing at u... u withdraw the US$30. at the same time u still follow their instructions and watch those ads.... another months pass... and another US$31 (US$1 x 31 days)... then haven't recover cost yet... nochoice but to follow again... another month pass... and another US$30 (US$1 x 30 days)... then u realised that u have recovered ur initial US$90. Feeling that since u have already recover ur captial.... now not feeling pressured to follow the instruction any more... but since there's nothing to lose... u follow still... and another month have pass... and another US$30 into ur pocket.... U begin to laugh at those skeptics... who are still laughing... only that now u are US$30 richer than those skeptics.... They can laugh... but they would not gain anything from it... neither do they lose anything of cos.... Any business u venture will entails some form of risk... for this... the risk is just 4 months!!! Whew... a long story... HAHA
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