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Everything posted by daryl

  1. I'm intending to sell away complete fish tank with full kits and necessities due to overseas work commitment. The entire fish tank set (10mm thick glass tank with internal overflow comes complete with cabinet). Below are the details and photos of the fish tank. Main Tank. Tank: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft. Light: 58W programmable fixture c/w bracket. Jebo WP-40 wavemaker. Tunze nanostream wavemakers x 02. Cycled live rocks. Sump. Return pump: Ehiem 1260. Phosban 150 c/w Ehiem C1000 compact pump. Bio-pellets reactor. Bubble Magus curve 7 skimmer. Cycled bacteria king. Total price: SGD1088/- cash (self-collect) *Negotiable Interested buyers please SMS/Watsapp or Line Daryl at 90229758.
  2. Anyone has fuEL contact no? Need to check stocks level with him. Thanks in advance..
  3. For those angel lovers, queen comes in very good size at 1 blue, 4 reds and a green only (small ones). Only left 02 to go.
  4. Hey kohpee. A good tank with great maintenance and husbandry will suffice. ICH is just a common name WE used to describe fish when white spots appears. I have my fair share when I started reefing 15yrs ago. As technology advances, bio-pellets comes in handy too (just YouTube for bio-pellets info). Most importantly, always ensure water quality. My 02 cents.
  5. Any orange or red frogfish spotted? Unable to find them in east LFS...
  6. LCK201 - lots of small flame angels, plentiful yellow tangs, Passar angels, chevron tang & black tang.
  7. As of 1700hrs today. CF: Asfur Angel, lots of Purple Tangs, Perculiar Clowns (Pairs) etc. LCK201: Lots of Yellow Tangs, a giant black tang, a Chevron Tang, very good size King Angels (conditioned with pellets), & lots of small size Flame Angels. Call to ask prices. Cheers.
  8. Hey boys, stop fooling around here... Let us move on & stop all these nonsensical arguments. Back to weekly updates. Am looking for a juvenile AT, any kind soul able to advise?
  9. Guys, it's going to be a never ending argumentative topic... All are valid reasons. Straight to the point. We can always shun LFS with uncompetitive prices & give full support to LFS with better pricing. It's not our moral obligation to support higher cost & harm our wallets. **To each its own. As for myself, since LS are the same, I'll definitely support LFS that doesn't harm my wallet :-) Be cool... Cheers.
  10. Any baby Russell's Lionfish spotted? Been looking for it high & low but to no avail. Any kind soul able to help? Thanks in advance :-)
  11. By the way, anyone spotted juvenile lion fish? The ones with yellowish fins? :-)
  12. Helloz... Am looking for Purple Tilefish. Any kind soul can advice? I've searched the East LFS but to no avail... Thankz in advance :-)
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