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Everything posted by yazid

  1. I'm one of your happy customer. Will definitely get your service when my CO2 is empty. I've got cheated once when I send my cannister for fill up at a factory at Yio Chu kang. My Co2 lasted only 1 week. Can u believe that!? PLataX, your service is on time and arrive on schedule. I'm very pleased.
  2. I recall plucking lychees from the trees at Shenzhen Window of the World. And the fruit was not that sweet either. Beware of beggars (children mostly). They will grab on to your legs and you have to drag them along until it is out of the beggar sector. Another beggar will be waiting on the other sector Beware of fake diamonds/jade and pearls. Beware of the spit.. (In Wuxi/Suzhou, some people spit in the restaurant itself, most are accurate, missing only a cm from your shoes ) Beware of the Taxi driver... he makes you go round and round. I do love the food over there in Shenzhen. Cheap, oily and good.
  3. The green really looks nice... it is better if it is alive. Confirm STN. I had those before. Now it is completely covered by coralline algae.
  4. Christmas Island once belongs to Singapore. What a waste to give it away.
  5. Man U no sportsmanship? U sure? I guess you have never watched the last game between Arsenal and Man U. You will know what sportmanship is all about. The worse ever seen on TV.
  6. What I've learned from diving, when stung by corals, apply ammonia to the affected area. You can get the spray solution from any dive shop. Reefers should keep one handy at home. If desperate, pee on the affected area. It will also work. See the doctor after that.
  7. I've got a few leather corals and one is as big as an adult head. My SPS are doing pretty well. If you look at website of garf.org, they have leathers and SPS so close to each other and the SPS thrive. It is true that leathers release slime which may suffocate the SPS if the slime stuck on the SPS That is why we need Tunze to help blow them off. Even SPS may suffocate on its own slime. That is why SPS requires high water flow. If you talked about toxic, buttons (Zoos) are the worst known to mankind.
  8. Just wondering... Is there any camera with option for Auto Adjustment for Level, Contrast and Color like Adobe Photoshop. Dive photos are usually green. It would be great if there is one.
  9. Go to any Hawker centre selling satay (anywhere even the ones near your house, famous ones at West Coast, Geylang or Haig road) and ask them you want to order for occasions.
  10. He got a pail of water waiting at the other corner.
  11. Sengkang near bllk 203 got super long pasar malam...
  12. yazid

    $0.20 Food ring

    I use styrofoam. Cut into a 4"x4" square shape with the middle hollow. It floats and always cling on the glass.
  13. End of the day, it is a personal preference. Everyone have their personal opinions. Read the car review with a pinch of salt and follow what you want out of a car. Low FC is good to have if you travel a lot (When I say a lot means you are a salesman/ property agent or anyone that rely on a car for your rice bowl). If you are like me, go to work, park the car for 8-10 hours and go home. Only weekend chiong!. FC not a big concern for me.
  14. I'm happy with the Platax service and real quality CO2 fill up. Keep it up. I once sent to Industrial shop to fill up the CO2, but it last only 2 weeks
  15. How do they do these..? Any idea? Using Photoshop or what? Do a Select ALL and you can see the lady
  16. Hey that's my car license plate.... Kidding.
  17. I am going to try using the tea tree oil method to remove flatworms. Wish me luck http://www.seahorse-nw.com/Flatworms.html
  18. After 4 months passing the Copperband Butterfly to Morgan. The aiptasia is making a come back! Arghh! Got to find myself another Copperband Butterfly! Anybody see any Chelidonura varians around?
  19. If I am going fishing, I don't mind taking the bristleworm along...
  20. I was thinking of the Salifert Flatworm exit myself. AT for letting us know. Guess I start ###### those worms for now.
  21. Looks like the ball got velcro to his gloves... Geez... I felt relieve. At least I am a better goalie... luckily I wear sarong..if not the ball goes through me..
  22. Okay... I'll confirm the deal. 1kg of skimmate for $50.... is that a deal or a steal?!!
  23. Skimmer reserved by Seamonkee.
  24. Here's the atomic bomb output of the EV240.
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