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Everything posted by yazid

  1. Based on Phang input. Here an update schematics
  2. I've modified the design to include the suggestion by Spade. Thanks spade.
  3. Here another schematics (Not to scale) I'll put the measurement when I got the chance to do it. Really need your expert advise for any flaw with this design. Will it work.
  4. Do remember that there is a constraint. 1. Overflow pipes and return pipes is on the left. 2. Chiller is on the right side. How about Diagram 2.
  5. Here is what I want it at the end unless someone seen any flaw in it.
  6. I need help in designing my new Sump/Refugium. Here a schematic of my current tank. I'll take an actual photo when I get back home.
  7. I need help in designing my new Sump/Refugium. Here a schematic of my current tank. I'll take an actual photo when I get back home.
  8. Mine got pick by the bicolor angel thus not survive the onslaughts.
  9. I saw Rainbow got LR to sell. But it is $15 per kg.
  10. That's right. The reason for Clams dying may be due to lighting or it got pick at the bottom by crabs or fish. Best to get Clams that have rocks base covering the bottom. Now you know why Clams w/o rock base covering the bottom is cheaper than the one with a rock base. If you happen to get a Clams w/o rock base, you could DIY the Clam with a rock.
  11. It would be great if someone could post the schematics and the hardware requirements required to built it. And where they could get all the parts from. And the cost involve.
  12. I use to have white spot/ick every other month and is effecting my hippo tang badly. I solve that by putting a small piece of garlic and grind them together with all the fresh cockles, fish meat and prawns into a paste. A special recipe for the fish. It have been a year and a half and I don't have any white spot breakout. My hippo survive the first 2 outbreak. From 3" inch size, he is now 7 inch.
  13. After considerable amount of research about Refugium. Finally, I have decided to embark into the Refugium Project. I'll need to re-do my sump all over again. Sigh! I know it is going to be worth it. Will keep you guys posted on my progress. I will need to design and draw the schematics of the sump/refugium.
  14. I got 2 4 feet 10K white fluorescent and 1 4 feet 10K blue actinitc to give away. Use for 3 months. I have upgraded to Metel Halide. Contact me.
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