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Everything posted by yazid

  1. Use masking tape before the glueing.
  2. D-a-r-n. The guy who fix my powerhead actually glued the PVC piping all the way to the powerhead. I could either use force to unscrew it. What if it doesn't and it breaks than I'm stuck with it and will not find any replacement PH during CNY. Worse still my tank will not be w/o filter until I get this done. So I decided to postpone the cut in to a later date and probably buy a new PH (About time to upgrade PH?) Eheim 1262 should be fine to replace the 1060. Also need need to get a piping reducer from 20mm to 16mm so that I can fix a hose to the pump.
  3. Trying to find the right time to do the cut in on the new refugium and sump. CNY looks good. I started drilling hole for the refugium to sump transfer.
  4. Here is the glued refugium on the left and sump on the right. Succesfully tested with water and no leaks.
  5. Sorry people... I purposely mislead you on this post. I was actually drooling (serious) at the site of the acros and montipora at the Sentosa Underwaterworld. They have a display of all kinds of SPS family in one super huge tank. I manage to get only ONE photo shot as I have use the rest of my 128MB on the Giant Trevally (GT) and garoupa in the tunnel which is one of my dream fish to catch this year. I do actually got a small cup montipora $10 from the LFS last Thursday. And saw a tank which is "reserved" full of acros. D-A-R-N. Is that reserved by Phang??! I ask the uncle when is the next shipment. He ask me to come back in a weeks time. Will keep you guys updated once I got my hands on some acros.
  6. Is that a drop in chiller. My brother in law also make one for the seafood restaurant at the country club. He said the compressor minimum size is 1HP and is damn big. The last time I saw it it look really big and awful. I turn down his offer to DIY me one as I have to put the compressor outside the house and the the drop in coil is made of copper that's why he can make it cheap. Anyway Dino get the specs. It is worth it if the DIY chiller is cheap enough to make this hobby affordable.
  7. Tell you want you need base on the size of your tank (equipment, lighting, sandbed, powerhead, etc). http://www.garf.org/bulletproofreef/bulletproof.asp
  8. Hopefully the chinese and taiwanese company come out with a "Reeftec" clone.
  9. I think it is better to have the DSB in the refugium/sump than the main tank. That way it will be solely dedicated for the filtration w/o any disturbance. Leftover food will be accumulated in the refugium and food for the inhabitants. DSB in main tank consume a lot of space and looks ugly when you see green/brown/black stuff on the side of the glass.
  10. Not unless you got their discount card. Even then it is still much expensive after discount.
  11. I went to Petmart today trying to get another 3 bag of #0 fine sand aka beach sand. There is no stock but Petmart said they'll order it and will bring it tomorrow. So guys if any of you wants #0 fine sand from Petmart, do call them up so they know how many more to bring in tomorrow (Friday).
  12. How come mine is cheaper? $1,100 is just the tank only. Qoo got quote for $1,100 and comes with cabinet and 3 ft sump.
  13. I thought clams need light... no extra food needed. IS this off topic?
  14. Plane propeller? Either way we could put the propeller to face the front or the back. It depends on how we mount it. It should be at least 50mm propeller. I'm not sure whether 50 mm is the diameter or the radius. I think it is radius. Maybe AT can tell us.
  15. Mrjoe can u check it out?
  16. Hi Phang, Do you think Hai Cheong can make plastic propeller? Regards
  17. I think AT can supply the source for Little Giant pump. PE-2? So is there stock yet?
  18. C328.... cheeiimm.. Sounds like in the army. Is that codewords or coordinates. Where is it?
  19. I saw this UK website selling RC powerboat. This is the price list of the 50mm propeller at 4.99 pound sterling. http://www.ripmax.com/PriceList/E0725.html Since Tanzy is there, do you think you could bring some back? US Site: Another site: http://www.funrcboats.com/prop_chart1.htm Upgraded PLASTIC Prop, (low cost, 1440) factory polished (40mm x 1.4 = 2.198"): $2.99 each Regards
  20. Yeah I think #1 should be the maximum size for a DSB. Even the Dr Ron photos, those coarse substrate is removed as it reduces the worm access to the surface. I'll keep it to #0 at the bottom and #1 on the top layer. Unless I can get hold of another 3 10kg bags of fine sand.
  21. I was reading the article on sediment by Dr Ron Shimek http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm "....comprised of very fine sandy sediments that we can, without any hesitation, call MUD..." "...In a given volume of sand, the usable bacterial surface area rises rapidly as the average particle size decreases. For example, a cubical particle 1 mm on a side has 6 square mm of surface area, while the surface area on a particle that is one eighth(or 0.125) mm on a side is a total of 0.09375 square mm. However, in the volume of 1 cubic mm, there would be 512 of the smaller particles, for a total area of 48 square mm, eight times what is found on the larger cube. The total sediment surface area in even a small tank is impressive, indeed. In my 45 gallon reef tank, the sand bed averages about 4 inches deep, by 12 inches wide, by 36 inches long, for a total of one cubic ft of sediment. I won't bore you with the calculations, but if the average particle size is one eighth mm, and that is a good average size to have, the total sand surface area is about 14,828 square feet or just slightly over 1/3 of an acre. A LOT of bacteria can live with that amount of space!..." So my assumption is the finer the better, right? The 2 bags I bought is call fine river sand (description says that it had been clean and would not cause algae or diatoms) for Aquarium use. Will get a photo of the bag when I come back from work.
  22. Is smaller better? Like fine sand? It is smaller than #1 sand shown on the picture above. I just got 2 10kg bags of fine sand from Petmart. Should I call that #-2 fine sand. <_< Can I mix it with #1 since I don't think I have enough #-2 fine sand to make 4"-5" in a 2 feet refugium. Or should I layer them instead of mixing them? Should I put the #1 at the bottom and the top layer put #-2? or vice versa? Any good theory?
  23. Here is another one you can build using pep bottle or bigger using the same concept gravity and displacement. I'm using a chiller so a pep bottle (1.5l) can last me quite long. You may need a bigger bottle depending on you evaporation rate.
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