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Everything posted by yazid

  1. At least TTBoy never left Mersing... Stranded due to boat engine problem.. I did got a free cruise to nowhere... more like a free 12 hour non-stop triple loop, super dipper, hairpin turns, "butterflies-in-your-stomach" plunges roller coast ride... .. make me puke Best part is the 3 crew (including the captain) of the other boat also puke, not to mention the people onboard. Their boat got engine problem thus at the mercy of the huge waves and winds. Anyway, I'm mentally prepared for this nightmare. Looking forward for the next trip... hopefully... a short 3 hour ride.
  2. Point 2. Flies? The enemy thought you are already dead! Maggots crawling on their face will scare them off. Point 3... bo liao! What?! no more skimmate? U want some to test whether your skimmer still works? A cup in return for your blue coralline.
  3. One of the reason to justify that expensive powerful skimmer. Purposely overfeed to produce thicker skimmate.
  4. Guys... don't throw away the skimmate. Here are things you can use it for. 1. Use the skimmate as fertilizer for your potted plant. The nutrients in there will be food for your plants. 2. Use it to camouflage your face.. especially for those infantry, SOF, Commando, etc. 3. Pour back the skimmate to your tank and see how fast your skimmer cleans it up again. 4. If you are a tai long, throw the skimmate and the borrower's house. 5. Ladies, the secret for youthful looking skin. Don't use expensive mud pack, use skimmate.
  5. AT, I think my AquaC EV-240 got 50-50 chance to beat the Beckett skimmate. Only problem is my photographic skills can't make it even more grossest.
  6. I'm planning a family trip to Tioman on 19/20/21 March. I would definitely like to dive there.
  7. I read that coralline does not require direct light. It grows better in the shady area. So does that mean calcification does not require light.
  8. I have use AC fans (for aquarium with/glass clip) and have been running for 2 years and is still running.
  9. I can't imagine that skimmer size with your future 3 feet tank?? You have extra space in your skimmer for your acros.
  10. I've seen DM trained by Orpheus. 3 words. Tough! Tough! Tough! Congrats for maintaining and ensuring the highest standard.
  11. Wow! what a story... I'm still wandering what a Suunto Mosquito got to do with DM.. It is a scary and exhausting experience. But your experience, knowledge and cool headedness save the day. Lesson learnt: Be Calm!
  12. IMO, 1. Bad posture causes backache and neckache, if you use laptop on your lap. 2. For male, heat generated from the laptop on your lap may cause impotency. 3. Laptop is extremely useful in cold countries.
  13. I thought most DM is like that... I like this article from Orpheus Dive web site. How many type of divers are there? Well, there are a few that we like to name. See if you have even dive with any of such divers. The Out of Air Diver Typically seen attempting to wrestle their buddy whilst trying to grab onto their buddy alternate air source. They often try to look nonchalant as though this is a normal practise for him at the end of each dive. Possibly a cocky divemaster trainee, who thought they didn't need to change their tank after the previous dive. Equipment Diver A walk advertising board for major diving brands. This diver is always fun to hang around with, both underwater and on land. They are easily identified with their yellow hoses, smell of new equipment and the latest digital camera. The "Been There and Done That" Diver This diver spends the entire day telling you about all the places that they have been diving and you can gurantee that whatever you see today, he would have seen a bigger and better example elsewhere. Once sated, they will go on to talk about house prices and mortages generally relevant to only their place of origin. The Yoyo Diver Can be hard to spot as they spend most of their time hurtling up and down from the surface, look for mushroom like cloud in the sand as they accelerate once more like a Polaris missile. If they do land on coral, they typicallu stick their hands into the most excruciating places. The Hovering Diver This diver usually, but not always, looks like Nutty Professor. Someone has told him to breathe continuously, but failed to mention that they may breath in and out more than once during the dive. How do you suck up 2.4 litres of air in one goal anyway? Are they storing it all up only to sell it on after the dive? Would they be a better diver if they were not built like Nutty? The Remora Diver This diver is a a Pain in your sorrie A*#. You can never get rid of them, no matter how hard you try. Kick you in your face? Sure! Knee you in the ^&$%? Always! Stamp on your head? Guranteed! Keep out of your way? NEVER! The Missing Diver A strange one to understand, this diver derives pleasure by maintaining a considerable distance, that means if you turn and stare really hard, you might just see him or her at the end range of the visibility. A strange way of spending a dive, not to mention your hard earned cash. The Bottom Diver Spends the whole dive kicking up the sand and silt, leaves a snail trail of debris behind them and can single handed turn 25 metre of visibility into Pulau Hantu. After the dive they usually comment on the excellent clarity of the water while everyone else tries to throw their fins over the side of the boat. THE DIVE PROFESSIONAL A seamless performer, moving with grace and precision. Able to hover motionless over a subject while the rest are struggling to do so. The best that a diver can be. Pleaseing on the eye in more ways than one. In a nutshell, the cream of the creme.
  14. I was busy wiping my saliva while viewing the photos that I forgot to read the post. Nah! I just wanted to ensure that it is really 24". Well, I guess I have to do another back breaking landscaping work. Again!
  15. I'm inspired with your tank. I have the same 3 view tank and find it really hard to aquascape. May I know your tank dimension. My Tank is 60" x 24" x 24".
  16. Looks like Dive Computer and RDP also get recall... sigh! I guess I have to based on gut feeling... Can I know what dive computer you Divers are using?
  17. Kel, Ok...ok... Mosquito is out. I'll get a gigantic one for diving only. How much is your Aladdin Pro Nitrox? I wish it got a wireless transmitter so that I can communicate with another diver through the gadget. Sounds futuristic. Sound like a waterproof IPAQ.
  18. Go ask Orpheus how much a tank rental cost? Or ask for refresher course... And then go dive at the O***** pool...
  19. LinkinPark, Make sure you acclimitize the acro. Don't put it straight under the intense 250W light. It will get a shock. The acro was without intense light for quite sometime already. Put it on the sandbed and move it slowly up.
  20. I need a Dive computer more for safety reasons. Because I can make error using RDP. a. Max depth indicator b. Ascent rate monitor/Alarm c. Full decompression data d. Audible Alarm e. Safety stop f. Dive time in/out 8. Temperature display Most importantly, if I would have to spent the money on this Dive Comp, I would definitely like to use it everyday like a normal watch to justify it use. It definitely have to be small. Suunto Mosquito looks like a good candidate.
  21. Oh Ok... you got sharp eyes.... I forgot you're a spider.. got more than 1 eyes. Is it because of the underwater casing plastic or the ISO setting is too high thus appear granier. That's why I said good for amateur a cheapo underwater digital camera.
  22. I think you a referring to the cheapo Che-ez. I got one (webcam & camera of course resolution very low). The photos from the Che-ez H20 2.1 megapix can support resolution upto 1600 x 1200. Of course for a digi at $489 w/underwater casing is still a cheapo.
  23. I was thinking there was a guy called Raymond tauting to sell fake Suunto Mosquito at Concourse..
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