Hi all senior reefers,
I used to use DT phyto for my corals, until recently, the LFS told me that DT out of stock. He recommended to me the Aquapharm 5 in 1 coral food. i just have some questions about this product before i feed it to my corals. Pls share your valuable experiences.
1) The Aquapharm 5 in 1 coral food is not placed in a fridge, can i safely say that the phytos are not live phyto but dead ones?
2) If its not live phyto, does it mean that the Aquapharm 5 in 1 coral food contains preservatives? Are these preservatives harmful to my fishes and corals?
3) If its not live phyto, should there be an expiry date? I can't seems to find any expiry date on the bottle.
Thanks in advance.